Monday, January 10, 2022

School discipline essays

School discipline essays

This word is more apparently heard during our school life, school discipline essays. Nature exhibits great discipline in its workings. According to the theories by Freud Sigmoid and Carl Rodgers, behaviour, implications of how adults discipline children were felt differently and that is why an effective approach is preferred. Schools approach discipline in various ways and the severity of the discipline usually coincides with how severe the offense was. There are a few techniques that can be utilised to school discipline essays discipline. cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.

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Essay on Discipline! Find high quality essays on discipline especially written in simple words for kids, children and school students. These essays will guide you to learn about the importance, advantages, types, principles and challenges of discipline, school discipline essays. Contents List of Essays on Discipline Essay on Discipline — For Kids Essay 1 — Words Essay on Discipline — For Children Essay 2 — Words Essay on Discipline — In School Essay 3 — Words Essay on Discipline — In Student Life Essay 4 — Words Essay on Discipline — For Kids Essay 5 — Words Essay on Discipline — Written in English Essay 6 — Words Essay on Discipline — For School Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Discipline Essay 8 — Words Essay on Discipline — Types, Principles and Challenges Essay 9 — Words. We all have come across the word discipline some time or school discipline essays other in our life, school discipline essays.

This word is more apparently heard during our school life. Our teachers constantly try to drive us towards discipline, whether it is coming to school on time, wearing a proper uniform, doing our classwork and homework in a neat and tidy manner, behaving appropriately in school or a host of other things, school discipline essays. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for kids, children and school students. Discipline is one of the powerful words in our life. Discipline word contains so much value in our life and its importance can be seen anywhere and everywhere, school discipline essays. But can you imagine, if we forget about discipline? Will this world be able to move forward without discipline?

Everything in our life, school discipline essays, starting from being school discipline essays to school, school discipline essays, completing our daily tasks, to sticking to our values, all are based on discipline. School discipline essays is a basic need of our life to maintain and move towards success. It is like the limits according to which we lead our life and this makes us disciplined and capable of living in the society. Discipline is the only mantra of human beings to be successful in life. What is discipline?

It is not just an act of obedience to rule, but it is a controlled attitude of various parameters, by not disturbing the social fabric of the society and also not spoiling the personal relationship of one another. When we say, discipline is a part of obedience to the civil rule and regulation, it is true to an extent and we consider it as a good conduct part school discipline essays compliance. But contrary to our thoughts we can find that the same logic what was accepted as discipline can never be the yardstick of obedience in some school discipline essays part of the world, school discipline essays.

When we keep discipline in the right frame, our actions will not hurt others. You can become a successful person if you can lead a disciplined life, school discipline essays. It is a balancing act of good and evil. For example, when you have enough money, instead of spending it impulsively, you can use it systematically in a much-disciplined manner. So, when we consider systematically spending money, with a planned calculation, we can say it is part of your personal discipline. Similarly, in every walks of our life, you can apply the theory of discipline.

Being disciplined does not mean that you are scarifying your liberty. You can keep your individuality, and in the meantime you can be a disciplined person in your life. A person with a disciplined attitude can live in a community harmoniously by keeping individual liberty, school discipline essays. When we take a closer look at the universe, we can find that the entire system co-exists by supporting each school discipline essays. The spirit of discipline we can find in every walks of our life. Since school discipline essays beings are social animals, we are bound to live within the rules and regulations of society.

We accept the rules and regulations, as we respect the importance of discipline. If there is no rule and regulation, then there will be chaos everywhere. When there is anarchy everywhere, there will be no peace of mind. Without discipline, there will be no success in life. Discipline in school means going to school on time, following all the rules and regulations of the school, completing all the given tasks within the deadlines, etc. Many people do not like to be told what school discipline essays do and they most definitely do not like to school discipline essays told what to read.

This fact is one of the reasons the school systems have such trouble educating some students. The thing is life is not here school discipline essays give us all the things we want and if we do not have enough luck to be born extremely rich or extremely gifted our best solution is to have school discipline essays at school. But this can be a problem, mostly because the things they teach us in school tend to be suited for one type of student and it happens to be the rarest one. Discipline at school is not something that you have to do the conventional way, school discipline essays, the thing is you can trick the system if you know how to approach the problem.

You know what tasks you have and you can calculate how much time it can take you to do it then you just split that time into manageable segments, school discipline essays. After you do the calculations you can spread the segments through the day so you do not even notice them and you will find that you can do much more then if you sat every day for a couple of hours in a row, school discipline essays. The solution is simple as that and when you implement it in your daily life you will have discipline in school in no time just be patient and stick with the plan even if it has a lot of room school discipline essays spontaneity.

Discipline in student life is the art of obeying certain set of rules that help us to live a life of order. It is the conduct that respects laws of the community one lives in. Without discipline there is only chaos and unruliness. Discipline is observed in everything around us, school discipline essays. Nature exhibits great discipline in its workings, school discipline essays. All the planets rotate around the sun in their orbits without going off course, school discipline essays. The sun has been rising in the east and setting in the west for millions of years and so is the case with every process of nature. Inside classrooms, for education to be possible, it is essential for every student to be silent and focused on the subject being taught. In school discipline essays, every sport comes with a set of rules which need to be followed for ensuring smooth and successful play.

These rules mold students in working towards achieving their dreams. Discipline in student life at home also plays an important school discipline essays. Right from the start of the day when we have to get ourselves ready to begin the day, to the end of the day when timely dinner and early to bed is required, discipline is needed. It helps in the smooth functioning of our everyday life, school discipline essays. Discipline in student life plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a person. It is necessary that every child is taught discipline at school and at school discipline essays so that they grow up into responsible members of the community.

Since our childhood, we grow up listening to the importance of discipline. As kids, we learn the importance of discipline at home, by waking up early in the morning, washing our face, school discipline essays, brushing the teeth, and taking a bath every day. When we start going to school, teachers show us the importance of discipline by inculcating in us, the habits of punctuality, daily assembly, homework, and hygiene maintenance, etc, school discipline essays. Discipline comes with practice. That is why it is essential for the students and adults to understand the importance of discipline and exercise it in their daily lives.

We can all learn about valuing the importance of discipline from our mother nature. Flowers bloom in their seasons. Birds chirp and leave for their search of food at dawn. Indiscipline is the root cause of any failure. An absence of punctuality, lack of routine and seriousness toward a goal, are all the different forms of indiscipline. Rejecting the idea of the importance of discipline pushes us back and counts as one of the major reasons for our downfall. People like Newton, Einstein, Martin Luther King, always respected and valued the importance of discipline and followed a strict routine every day.

If you wish to be successful, never underestimate the importance of discipline and hard work, as these virtues will keep you ahead of others. The word discipline is very often thrown around and used but not quite really understood. The word discipline has a lot of meanings and interpretations, so it would be right to examine the different meanings of the word. Discipline on one hand can be said to be expectations required by the authorities in place including societies, self, fields and so on. It can also be said to mean any form of training that is meant to yield a particular character or behavioural pattern. It can be inactions or actions regulated so that they are in accordance with a particular method or way of governance.

Discipline is known to help increase order it is employed to regulate the behaviour of human and also animal. There are a few techniques that can be utilised to entrench discipline. Time management is an example of such techniques of discipline that uses time as a regulator and employs the time observance as a governor. The goal is the efficient use of time and this helps get the most out of time by setting limits to the time an activity can take. Another technique is discipline that is based on responsibility; the technique helps the individual understand solutions to problems in a particular organisation. Physical punishment of an individual is a technique of discipline that is debated widely because it involves slapping, spanking and also hitting the individual with object employing varying degrees from mid to quite extreme force.

The objective of this is to imbibe the understanding that there are consequences for every action in the individual. Punishment can achieve immediate results as it serves a big reminder that there are punishments when laws and rules are broken. Discipline is primarily moral obligation that is rampant among a lot of people. Behaviour of discipline is demanded by certain laws and some other legal responsibilities. Corporations and businesses also put some tough requirements of discipline in place for the duration of a contract or agreement. For examples, customers in a store and passengers on a flight have to abide by some set rules. The instruction and education of children to use waste disposal bins can also be seen as a type of education in discipline that is needed in some societies, school discipline essays.

It is believed that discipline in an adult starts from childhood as a child who has not being educated on the little things that form discipline will grow up and not become disciplined. Also, discipline can be seen in the military through efforts superiors make to meet out punishment to a serviceperson. In academic institutions, discipline is simply the efforts and also responses of the educator to punish erring students, school discipline essays. Discipline plays a very vital role in the lives of individuals; it helps reveal the true face of a person, school discipline essays. It is important that a person demonstrates his discipline to first his family then also his country. It is quite essential that discipline is enshrined in family life; discipline is a very important quality that every human should have.

Discipline means order, regularity and duty. Discipline is also defined as the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour that specify punishment for being undisciplined.

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Discipline is also defined as the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour that specify punishment for being undisciplined. We all follow various types of discipline in our daily lives — at home, at work, in market etc. For any system or institution to function smoothly, be it family, education, workplace or society, discipline must be maintained. For example, discipline in a society means that all members follow certain defined rules and regulations. Discipline at the workplace implies that all people in the office, work and maintain the defined code of conduct.

We need discipline in many ways like how we talk, dress up, walk, behave etc. So it is good to practice discipline from the childhood. Discipline is very necessary for all to live a successful, smooth and happy life. Lack of discipline or not following discipline causes problem, disorder or conflict. Discipline training starts from the early stage of life. Both, at school and at home, children are taught to follow set rules of discipline. Parents and teachers have significant role to play in early life. Starting with school, student life is a period of learning. As students, we learn to be disciplined — sincere, dedicated, confident, punctual, respect elders, and follow rules.

Discipline in student life plays significant role in shaping the personality and molding the character. The discipline learned in student life, the formation period of life, lays the foundation of the habits and manners. One should be healthy and fit for life and for this strict discipline must be practiced from early life. It is well known that a healthy body has a healthy mind. One who is disciplined rises high in life. We have several examples of great men in history like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Rama Krishna, Albert Einstein, all were successful in their lives because they lived a disciplined life.

Discipline, as soon as you search about it, you can get a host of meanings in the dictionary. We have so often heard about it, that many people, in fact, have just learnt about it by listening to others without having referred to its actual meaning in the dictionary. In proper terms, it means the enactment of something as per the governed principles. Self-discipline is a standout amongst the most essential and helpful abilities everybody ought to have. This aptitude is basic in everyday issue, and however the vast majority recognize its significance, but not much is done to accomplish it or to reinforce it. As opposed to normal conviction, self-discipline does not mean being cruel towards oneself or carrying on with a constrained, prohibitive way of life. Self-discipline implies restraint, which is an indication of internal quality and control on yourself, your activities, and your responses.

Self-discipline enables you to adhere to your choices and finish them, without altering your opinion, and is accordingly, one of the vital prerequisites for accomplishing objectives. The ownership of this aptitude empowers you to continue on with your choices and plans until the point that you achieve them. It likewise shows as inward quality, helping you to defeat addictions, stalling and apathy, and to finish whatever you do. There are several advantages of inculcating discipline in life. For instance, it helps you remain more focused on what you intend to do. A person who is disciplined is more focused and keeps up to work on time in the regular day to day activities.

Bad habits usually stay away from disciplined people and the person is able to keep his mind concentrated on his work or objectives staying away from mental unsettling influences. Another advantage of being disciplined is that a disciplined person earns more respect in the society as compared to his counterparts. At the start, one may find it difficult to lead a disciplined life. But once, you are through, you tend to become a role model for others to follow. There have been several examples from history where our leaders have shown us how to be disciplined in life. The recent example is of Steve Jobs.

In Steve Jobs was expelled from Apple PCs. Rather, Jobs concentrated on what he could control — his activities. Another recent example is of our Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Dating back to the oldest of records, one can find mention of discipline in the Ramayana as well. His moral conducts towards life and model behaviour towards others are preached as the standards a man should set for himself even today. He taught us how to remain disciplined and try to be the perfect human being we all can actually be. Without discipline, it is not possible to carry on a meaningful life. It is the demonstration of living with a few standards and directions. Discipline is everything which we do on the correct route and in perfect time. It drives us towards the correct way of doing things.

We as a whole should definitely follow a disciplined life in order to live a structured yet happy and peaceful life. Discipline is probably one of the most mentioned word you heard while growing up. It never gets old because discipline is required in all stages of life. Being disciplined sounds like a very heavy thing but it is simply the act of obeying the rules set for you as a guide for behaviour. Guides for behaviour are mostly used in schools and organizations. At home, being disciplined is basically following the right thing and displaying acceptable behaviour according to morals.

Consequences of indiscipline at school and at home were severe such that children opted to be in their best behaviour. In professional lives, discipline and code of conduct for employees is controlled by leaders and managers. It is really hectic when it comes to discipline in adults because the forms of punishment as consequences of indiscipline are hard to apply on people you respect especially those who are older than you. As a manager, it is important that discipline is maintained. There are three types of discipline based on behaviour modification. These types of discipline are aimed at correcting misbehavior.

Misbehavior is any behaviour that is inappropriate according to the guidelines for behaviour that are set for a specific area. The first type of discipline is preventive discipline. This type of discipline focuses on preventing certain type of behaviour from being displayed by the subjects. It actually diverts them from misbehaving and cause improvements in that area. It has been used in most schools to prevent absurd behaviour among students due to the restrictions put in place by the guide for behaviour. The other type is supportive discipline.

This type of discipline is aimed at supporting the virtues in an individual like self-control and it helps them get back on track easily. It is supportive through provision of positive feedback to the subjects, showing interest in the activities of the subjects and helping the subjects whenever they have difficulties so as to encourage good behaviour. The third type of discipline is corrective discipline. This discipline is involved with the problem and deals with it directly. This type of discipline is known to be uncomfortable and intimidating and so people try to avoid sing it. Despite the discomfort and intimidating effects, it is a very effective type because the subject will have to go through the consequences of their misbehavior.

It has been used to cease disruptive behaviour among students and its effectiveness has been realized. Discipline is not just performed by anyone in whichever way they like, it should follow the principles of discipline in order for it to be effective. Discipline should search for a balance between finding disciplinary action and its long term effects. As a parent or a teacher, it is upon you to discipline your child but how you do it matters because the child may end up having feelings of hate towards you, which leads to more inappropriate behaviour. The reason why teachers tend to quit their jobs within the first years of practice is the lack of finding a balance while controlling behaviour of a child.

Another principle is the use of affective approach in discipline. According to the theories by Freud Sigmoid and Carl Rodgers, behaviour, implications of how adults discipline children were felt differently and that is why an effective approach is preferred. Behavioral approach to discipline is a principle that is vital in controlling behaviour. According to a behaviorist theory by Skinner, there is classical conditioning and operant conditioning, both aimed at controlling behaviour. Through positive and negative reinforcements, behaviour can be corrected and that makes the disciplining act successful. Cognitive approach to discipline was developed due to the cognitive developmental theories. Controlling behaviour is highly dependent on the cognition because thought processes influence behaviour.

This approach works for all ages because cognitive development is for all stages of life. Management of discipline is affected by factors which challenge the process. One factor is the lack of effective communication. When the guide for behaviour has not clearly been communicated to the subjects, incidences of misbehavior may be noted. It would be inappropriate to discipline the subject because they had no idea it was a wrong thing to do. In order for discipline to be effective, clear communication of the required behaviour should be communicated. Lack of respect to authority. As time goes by, we realize that respect diminishes especially in schools. In the olden times, teachers received utmost respect from the students, some were even feared.

Nowadays, respect has deteriorated and most of the teachers are young. Discipline management in situations where leaders are not respected is sort of impossible. Economic difficulties also contribute to ineffective discipline managements. Due to increase in population, management of discipline is hard because misbehavior incidences increase due to poverty and discipline management is compromised through these economic hardships. There are also less resources to use in discipline management. Disruptive behavior of the leader causes ineffective discipline management. Disruptive behaviour of leaders is in the form of lack of interest in the activities of the subjects and the lack of commitment in improving the behaviour of their subjects.

Leadership and management roles involve disciplining but that cannot be possible in situations where the leaders and managers lack interest in their subordinates. Leaders and managers should always take part in improving the behaviors and personalities of their subjects so that working with them become easier. To conclude, discipline is actually the art of shaping behaviour. The management of discipline requires specific regulations through principles to enhance its effectiveness. The challenges facing discipline management are situational and can be avoided. As a leader or a manager, the role of discipline should be under your control at all times in order to gain respect from your subordinates. Discipline , Success , Values. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly!

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For example, perhaps a student is given a sticker for turning in homework on time or is allowed to check out an extra library book for showing proper care of books. The goal here is to make proper behavior attractive enough that students want to make the right choices. The type of discipline a school chooses to use has an impact on the overall atmosphere and safety of the learning environment. In general, experts suggest a mixture of the types to create well rounded students who avoid undesired behaviors and instead gravitate toward the undesired ones. Discipline also creates structure and expectations for students, something that plenty of research says is ideal for teaching kids, both academically and socially, effectively preparing them for life beyond school.

According to the American Institutes for Research, students who are effectively disciplined, both positively and negatively, have a higher academic performance and are less likely to become part of the juvenile justice system as they get older. In addition, experts have found that discipline that occurs at school, rather than suspending students, further improves their performance in the classroom and helps keep them out of the legal system. School discipline is only truly effective if parents are willing to back up the decisions made by the school and help their child learn the proper way to behave at school. Parents should understand that the rules at school may be different than the ones at home, but that kids are expected to follow the rules when they are in the classroom.

Goal of Discipline The main goal of discipline in schools is to teach children appropriate ways of behaving by giving consequences for making poor choices. Types of School Discipline Punitive techniques of discipline are the most common and involve giving an unpleasant consequence in response to a negative behavior. Effects of the Right Discipline Choice The type of discipline a school chooses to use has an impact on the overall atmosphere and safety of the learning environment. Research Findings According to the American Institutes for Research, students who are effectively disciplined, both positively and negatively, have a higher academic performance and are less likely to become part of the juvenile justice system as they get older. What Parents Can Do School discipline is only truly effective if parents are willing to back up the decisions made by the school and help their child learn the proper way to behave at school.

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