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Essays on sexual harassment

Essays on sexual harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace: exploring the effects of attractiveness on perception of harassment - Statistical Data Included. Better Essays. This paper basically deals with the information regarding the victim of sexual harassment where Sexual harassment means any act performed by one or more persons on another without consent. Military Psychology,essays on sexual harassment, Everyday millions of people are going through their days with the degrading weight of sexual harassment constantly surrounding them. The author of this report shall focus essays on sexual harassment sexual harassment.

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Nowadays, sexual harassment is a burning issue, and it is largely discussed in society. As far as I understand it, sexual harassment is a type of inappropriate behavior in society, when a person gives someone hints with a sexual overtone or expresses their sexual desires explicitly. In this paper, an example of this type of discrimination will be discussed, as well as the role of an HR manager in such situations will be reviewed. To my mind, the situation described in the scenario is the manifestation of sexual harassment as it fits its legal definition, which was mentioned above. It is evident that offensive text messages with a sexual connotation that the senior doctor sends to the nurse disrupt relationships between employees and create a hostile atmosphere at work.

In this case, we deal with a verbal form of sexual harassment. Moreover, the abuser makes obscene gestures, which can be regarded as a physical expression of discrimination. The fact that the victim has complained about it means essays on sexual harassment this problem is acute and requires urgent measures as it may lead to the nurse leaving her job. It should be noted that it is not always easy for managers to detect sexual harassment at work and for an employee to prove that it exists. However, if the complaint is found true, there will be negative implications both for the harasser and the organization. In more than 75 countries, workplace sexual harassment is illegal, and the US is on the list Hersch, Hence, the HR manager might fire the senior doctor and bring the case to court.

Other consequences of sexual harassment for its culprit may include referral for counseling or training, written or verbal reprimand, reassignment, suspension, or demotion Ramapo College, Furthermore, sexual harassment may be costly to the company where it occurs, and the victims Hersch, The expenses connected with employing and training new staff, as well as the cost of lawsuits, maybe high. For the healthcare facility, the damage caused by sexual harassment may be even more considerable as professional doctors are usually at a premium, and it may take much time to find and train a new one. It is of paramount importance for an HR manager to take prompt measures when essays on sexual harassment employee makes complaints about sexual harassment.

If I were in the position of an HRM, I would not lose time to determine whether the claim is true or not and address it immediately. First of all, I would assure the victim essays on sexual harassment I would keep everything confidential as essays on sexual harassment employees are afraid of talking about the problem. According to the scenario, the harasser sent obscene text messages to the victim; that is why I will ask the nurse to show them to me. Moreover, if the senior doctor showed offensive gestures to the nurse, the surveillance cameras could have caught it.

As such, I will not only ask if other nurses and doctors have seen the gestures but also check the cameras. It would also be a good idea to consult with other colleagues and an attorney to make sure that I am acting right. According to the law, HR managers must take all complaints of possible harassment seriously. Thus, if they tolerate or allow retaliation and sexual harassment at work, they violate the policy. For this reason, an HR manager must immediately address the claim, even if there is no formal complaint as an allegation is sufficient to start the investigation. One of the most important measures in fighting sexual harassment in organizations is its prevention.

Effective supervisors and managers should take certain steps to ensure that such situations will not happen in the future. As an HR manager, I would create sexual harassment policies and make all staff familiar with them. I believe that the more people know about the problem and possible implications, the fewer cases of inappropriate behavior will be in the organization. In addition, I would make sure that all staff members feel comfortable reporting sexual harassment, essays on sexual harassment. Hence, I will create a friendly atmosphere in the workplace and establish good relationships with all employees. All in all, sexual harassment at work is an acute problem that calls for close attention and prompt intervention.

HR managers should address every complaint about sexual discrimination from their employees and take measures even if it is not found true yet. A situation such as described in the scenario may cause negative implications for the harasser and the company and cost them a large sum of money. That is why it is better to prevent such situations by promoting good relationships in the workplace and creating comfortable working conditions. Gutek, B. Sexual harassment. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management11 Sexual Harassment Problem Analysis, essays on sexual harassment. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal.

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Sexual harassment involves unwanted […]. In , federal court jurors listened as Ani Chopourian described the sexual harassment she endured as cardiac surgery physician assistant at a Sacramento hospital. Jurors ultimately […]. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less. Equality is a given. A woman is human. Sexual harassment is harassment, in both men or women, in a professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks. Many people put sexual assault and sexual harassment.

We read stories in the news constantly about students at high-profile athletic schools getting accused or found guilty of rape or assault, and still being allowed to participate in sporting events. For […]. The word SHARP is getting more popular in the media every year. Due to the high increase cases in the army. During the past years the statistics are significantly changing. Have significant changes on the statistics, on […]. The social problem I chose to do my paper on is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a pervasive problem throughout the world. Harassment can include unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical harassment of nature. It can happen […]. The harasser can be of any gender and also prey on any gender.

Sexual harassment does not always have to directed at a certain person. The Equal Opportunity that most companies use has to deal with situations like this. Our government laws do not really cover teasing and subliminal comments but, they can be upsetting and cause emotional problems for people. Sexual harassment can occur in many different circumstances. The main thing people need to know is that it can happen to men too. The reason for this is because it can happen anywhere and if issues arise it can be difficult for a company, even for a school. It can happen in many different scenarios, including after-hours conversations, hanging out in the hallways, and lounge area settings of employees or peers.

Sexual harassment should never be overlooked. These acts can affect people in many ways. When in school walking around or just sitting down this can happen, there is zero-tolerance acts in effect. There are many avenues you can take to get help against predators. One hotline is:. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Sexual Harassment in a Workplace Introduction According to human rights, sexual harassment is unexpected sexual behavior which could possibly make an individual feel intimidated, humiliated or offended.

Sexual Harassment and how to Stop it Background Information Sexual harassment is sexual discrimination that violates Title 7 of the civil rights act of How Culture Can Breed Sexual Harassment in the Academy Introduction In higher education, relationships of trust and confidence that are built outside of the classroom are often just as important as those built inside of the classroom. Sexual Harassment in the Work Place and Gender Inequality Abbas, Sammar. Minimizing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Today the topic of sexual harassment is as popular as it has ever been due to the MeToo movement that became common in the entertainment industry just slightly over a year ago.

The SHARP Academy Sexual assault events have been increasing throughout the Army, despite efforts to decrease the occurrence of such events. Inappropriate Behavior The discrimination in the United States that was based on color, religion and race was brought to an end by the Civil Rights Act of that was amended and given powers to help in the distribution of facilities equally to the citizens. The American Press and Sexual Harassment Will there be a before and after Harvey Weinstein affair? How Current Military Approach Reduces the Risk of Sexual Assault Fight or Flight? What are the Mental Effects of Sexual Harassment? Sexual Harassment: One of the Biggest Problems One of the biggest problems with sexual harassment is that it is often goes unnoticed.

About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace In , federal court jurors listened as Ani Chopourian described the sexual harassment she endured as cardiac surgery physician assistant at a Sacramento hospital. Term Limits Based off of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is harassment, in both men or women, in a professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks. Why does the Number of Sexual Assaults Continue to Increase Throughout the Army? Intercultural Experience Proposal on Sexual Harassment The social problem I chose to do my paper on is sexual harassment. Related topics Social Issues Army Sharp Justice Policy Sexual Assault Crime Rape Abuse Discrimination Gender Inequality Feminism.

Acts to look out for to see that harassment is happening: This for that Jokes talking about sexual acts sexual preference. Unwanted physical contact. Unwanted flirting. Talking about sexual dreams Feeling pressured to engage with someone sexually. Touching yourself in front of others. One hotline is: Rainn rape, abuse, incest, national network hotline o HOPE Local church Hospital Friends Be safe and take care, we all need each other. how it works. For one, we must understand that sexual harassment is not the same thing as friendly pat on the shoulder or a casual peck on the cheek; it has been to something uncalled for and violating our personal boundaries for it to qualify as harassment.

Over the years, so much has been said about sexual harassment that male colleagues in the workplace may feel threatened and may even be wrongfully accused of harassing female colleagues when they were only trying to be friendly. In the case of Peggy, we need to…. References 1. Landis-Schiff, Tom, Sexual Harassment-Why Men Don't Understand It. McGarvey, Robert, Hands off! How do the latest Supreme Court decisions on sexual harassment affect you? Cutting Edge: Staff Smarts. Sexual Harassment: How I Learned to Drive "Driving is easy. Just remember. Break pedal. Gas pedal. And go. She couldn't believe it. Was she really driving? All of her life, while living in Saudi Arabia, driving meant sitting in the back seat, being taken somewhere by someone else. Learning to drive was a male rite of passage, like growing a beard.

But driving in America was taken for granted. Even little old ladies who drove with their knobby knuckles clutching the wheel drove to the store. You could not get anywhere in America without driving. So Sara would have to learn to drive, while she was a student in this new country. Sara was not her real name. However, because Ben could not pronounce her full Arabic name, he called her Sara. Sara did not object. Sexual harassment can be legally defined as "verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, aimed at a particular person or group of people, especially in the workplace or in academic or other institutional settings, that is actionable, as in tort or under equal-opportunity statutes" "sexual harassment," If a person in authority such as a boss, mentor, or official is found pressurizing a person holding an inferior position with the intention of obtaining sexual favors, it is typified as sexual harassment.

In most cases, sexually unambiguous or evocative behavior by male colleagues may be intended to make a work situation difficult for a recently appointed female. The main motive of the harassers may be sheer resentment to female admission into a male preserve "sexual harassment," Difference between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Harassment is behavior that is unessential for the performance of an administrative or managerial job, but…. References Broderick, T. The Difference between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination. Sexual Harassment: Dressing for a Hostile Environment.

Elements of a Good Sexual Harassment Policy. Sexual Harassment It is important to note that apart from serving as a centre for economic gains, the workplace also serves as a second home as well as a critical social network. Just like any other social network, the workplace also tends to have a distinctive culture which in some cases could be a field of gender-biased traditional beliefs. It is these gender-biased traditional beliefs that at times expose individuals typically non-heterosexuals and women to both marginalization as well as abuse where such individuals are more often than not viewed as sexual objects in addition to being regarded as inferior. In this text, I concern myself with workplace sexual harassment. According to Konrad, sexual harassment is essentially sexual attention that is largely unwarranted.

In this case, the sexual harasser should be aware that such attention is unwanted Apart from sexual harassment being an offense under the law, most states…. Works Cited Barth, Stephen C. Hospitality law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry. John Willey and Sons, Boland, Mary, L. Sexual Harassment: Your Guide to Legal Action- What you Should Know and What You can Do. SphinxLegal, Gold, Susan D. The Civil Rights Act of Marshal Cavendish, Grofman, Bernard. Legacies of the Civil Rights Act. University of Virginia Press, A human resources staff with specialists in sexual harassment emotional support Security personnel with investigative training in sexual harassment procedure An in-house syndicate dedicated to preventing further cases of sexual harassment As an organization, each staff member, and each employee must read, comprehend, and acknowledge the following ethical behavioural model for expected behaviour while at the workplace.

References Burda, D. ACHE survey response spurs expedited sexual harassment policy. Modern Healthcare, 26 42 , 2. org Berger, David L. Industrial security 2nd ed. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Colling, Russell L. Hospital and healthcare security 4th ed. It occurs where an employee endures catcalls and other comments about their manner of dress. If the comments are unwelcomed and incessant, the action of these employees becomes sexual harassment. Another example of this type of behavior also relates to the act of continuously asking a colleague out on dates or giving personal gifts. The key elements here, the behavior or action must be continuous, unwanted, and powerful enough to transform the work environment into a hostile place.

Once those elements are present, there is a case of hostile work environment sexual harassment. However, if the individual does not feel harassed by the behavior then it is not considered as harassment. Since a component of harassment involves the individual finding, the act unwelcomed. The company's policies provide…. References What constitutes sexual harassment? html Howard-Martin, J. What constitutes sexual harassment? htm Icenogle, M. Assessing perceptions of sexual harassment behaviors in a manufacturing environment. Journal of Business and Psychology, 16 4 O'Leary-Kelly, A. Sexual harassment as aggressive behavior: An actor-based perspective.

The Academy of Management Review, 25 2 , These types of insurance against claims of sexual impropriety and harassment are becoming more and more common in light of the established legal precedents defining sexual harassment. Another way that employers have reacted to sexual harassment is to educate and train employees about what constitutes it. Many employers have created classes, seminars, or even just opened discussion about how sexual harassment is defined by the Supreme Court, as well as taken steps to ensure that employees realize that the court of public opinion is one in which the company may be effected just as harshly.

These types of education and training have been demonstrated to improve employee relations and to increase awareness of what behaviors may constitute sexual harassment in the workplace Antecol and Cobb-Clark, This report has summarized the legal definitions of sexual harassment and the current legal treatment of this behavior. From its original prohibition in the…. Works Cited Antecol, Heather and Cobb-Clark, Deborah, A View from the Federal Level,"Social Science Quarterly, Burlington Industries, Inc. Ellerth S. Bausch and Lomb, Inc. Supp , Fisher, Anne, Sexual Harassment in the Military Sexual harassment is a significant issue in the military. Sexual harassment is also a complicated issue in the military.

In most workplaces, the major concern in regards to sexual harassment relates to women being harassed by males or by a male-oriented environment. In the military, sexual harassment also extends to include the sexual harassment of homosexual males and the sexual harassment of homosexual females. A look at the military reveals that all of these types of sexual harassment occur, that the sexual harassment occurring is significant and serious, and that the sexual harassment has its basis in the culture of the military, which has ingrained ideas about men, women, and sexuality.

Each of these types of sexual harassment will now be considered in turn, with this illustrating the nature, the extent, and the reasons behind sexual harassment in the military. There is a strong level…. Works Cited Berube, A. Coming Out Under Fire. New York: The Free Press, Moss, J. Shilts, R. Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U. New York: St. Martin's Press, Newman, R. A Legal Dilemma over Sexual Harassment. Sexual Harassment in Hospitals Existence of sexual harassment in the hospital setup in its varied forms has been clearly confirmed by exhaustive studies. It is unfortunate that such insidious practices have invaded the serene hospital environment. Sexual harassment, in whatever form it exists, must be rooted out and this demands immediate attention and positive intervention from the human resource professionals.

Sexual harassment has of late become a matter of serious concern for human resource professionals in any corporate environment. The hospice environment in particular has a high incidence of sexual harassment and unprofessional exploitation. Recent researches conducted worldwide have revealed that the healthcare sector is one area where there is an increasing prevalence of sexual harassment and doctors, nurses and the patients have all been vulnerable and victimized. In most cases hospital management lend a deaf ear to this growing menace, which only worsens the scenario. A discussion on the…. Sexual Harassment: An Examination Given the media and given the average citizen's level of misinformation, it's not at all uncommon for myths and unrealities to continue to thrive regarding sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and a negative interaction which is in violation of the Civil ights Act of Sexual harassment is illegal in the workplace and refers to "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment" eeoc. gov, One of the myths that prevails most strongly about sexual harassment is that it only occurs to specific people in specific circumstances. The reality is that sexual harassment is actually far more encompassing.

The victims of sexual harassment can…. References Berkowitz, M. Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Retrieved from monster. aspx EEoc. Facts About Sexual Harassment. Retrieved from eeoc. cfm Weizer, P. The Supreme Court and Sexual Harassment. Boston: Lexington Books. Disciplinary actions will be stated within thirty working days following the receipt of the report of the investigator. The organization may, at its discretion conduct an independent review of the alleged sexual harassment. Training Programs for Eliminating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Carl Rogers identified 'accurate empathy nearly 50 years ago as one of the three necessary and sufficient facilitative core conditions for therapeutic change Bibliography Bierhoff, Hans Werner Prosocial Behavior.

Psychology Press Chen, S. Relationship orientation as moderator of the effects of social power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, Copeland, J. Prophecies of power: Motivational implications of social power for behavioral confirmation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, Davis, M. Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, Department of Education. Depending on the nature and the severity of the offense, the school can act against the harassing student after conducting an investigation, or merely make note of the complaint and follow up if there are further allegations and complications.

If nothing happens after complaining to school officials," despite his or her belief that he or she is being harassed a student and his or her parents "can file a complaint against the school with the U. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights OCR within days of an act of discrimination" "ERA: Sexual Harassment in Schools," , Equal Rights Advocates. A student can…. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. html ERA: Sexual Harassment in Schools. Equal Rights Advocates. NASE: National Association of the State Boards of Education. The problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new problem and will continue to be a problem for some time to come.

And not only is it a problem that has been around for a while it is expanding to include the internet as well. This makes the problem even more accessible at work and thus a more important topic for employers to address. Having a well thought out educational program that is supported by the company's EAP is the best way to hopefully prevent and if necessary deal with any problems that arise. Employees that have been educated can then be held responsible for their actions in the workplace. The key is to define for the employees what is acceptable…. References Employers taking proactive approach to EAPs.

Retrieved from Sociological Collection database. Cooper, Al. Online Sexual Behaviors in the Workplace: How can Human Resource Departments and Employee Assistance Programs Respond Effectively? Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. The employee will not necessarily be required to show a loss of advancement, retaliation, loss of income, or stress as they once did under 'quid pro quo' and hostile-environment. They will need to show that the nature of the sexual content they experienced caused them to experience discrimination" "Sexual Harassment and Discrimination," , Employer-Employee.

The Supreme Court created a two-part test to be used by employers in defending themselves against a sexual harassment lawsuit. Firstly, "the employer needs to show that they took reasonable care to prevent and correct any sexual harassment behavior within their workplace," and "the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities provided by the employer" "Sexual Harassment and Discrimination," , Employer-Employee. To reduce the chance that the company will not be found complicit, the company should immediately conduct an investigation of Bob's behavior, and document all of the results of the….

Works Cited Sexual Harassment and Discrimination. Sexual Harassment Case Studies Mitsubishi Motors Manufacturing A class action lawsuit was filed in a federal court in Illinois by the U. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission against Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America Inc. The suit listed an extensive list of sexual harassment incidents affecting more than women working at a manufacturing facility in Normal, Illinois, including subjection to fondling, exposure to pornographic pictures, and the denial of earned promotions on the basis of refusing to perform sexual favors BHC Two separate cases, later consolidated, were filed against the University of Colorado by women who alleged that they were sexually….

References BHRRC. Case profile: Mitsubishi lawsuit. Accessed 29 September LensCrafters Settles Female-On-Male Sexual Harassment Case. Accessed 29 S. html Sander, L. aspx TWC. Case studies in sexual harassment. Construction of survey and questionnaire to conduct a study of a specific segment of police officers at the local level. Such questions as examples below suggest will ask the following and remain confidential: 1 ere they provided with appropriate training? Another survey that can be carried out would be a survey of the public and how such behaviors change their perception of safety and the law. Empirical Results and Analysis This section will analyze and present the results of the surveyed information and provide insight into what can be done for….

Works Cited Amnesty International. Heerbrandt, Katherine. Rome, Dennis M. Sexual Harassment on the Job Sexual harassment in offices and also in educational environment makes an atmosphere, which degrades individuals and puts a depressing influence on personal actions and efficiencies and output of the organization and self-esteem of the establishment as well. Since public opinion to this touchy problem has lately been sharp, a lot of uncertainty continues to be present, regarding the appropriateness of the very action, as also the methodologies suitable for combating with the dilemma. egardless of the extensive media hype concerning the dangers of harassment in workplaces, reviews exhibit that a lot of American companies have not dealt with the quandary as yet.

Due to this, the shadow of accountability of the boss for sexual harassment persists to impend in the companies. Lapses on this score…. References American Academy of Pediatrics: Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Educational Settings. Volume: ; No. F; Hulin, C. L; Drasgow, F The Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in Organizations: An Integrated Model. Keita; J. Hurrell, eds: Job Stress in a Changing Workforce: Investigating Gender, Diversity, and Family Issues pp. Neville, Kathleen. Washington, DC.

Stringer, D. M; Remick, H; Salisbury, J; Ginorio, A The Power and Reasons behind Sexual Harassment: An Employer's Guide to Solutions. Public Personnel Management. Volume: 19; No: 1; pp: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment in the work place forms an atmosphere that degrades people and has a depressing influence on individual functioning and efficiency as well as organizational efficiency and unit morale. There is much mystification as to what accurately represents sexual harassment and about modalities suitable for dealing with the problem, as sympathy to this complex problem has been heightened of late.

It is obligatory on the part of the employers, organizations, and institutions to speak for all their people, male and female, and give instruction and help to ease the abolition of this vicious deed. The workplaces must be conscious of the occurrence of the problem and must have action plans. Committee on Pediatric Workforce -- Subcommittee on Women in Pediatrics, p. Sexual harassment in offices and also in educational environment…. References Committee on Pediatric Workforce -- Subcommittee on Women in Pediatrics. Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Educational Settings.

December ; Vol: ; No. Golden, John. H; Johnson, Craig, A; Lopez, Rebecca. Sexual harassment in the workplace: exploring the effects of attractiveness on perception of harassment - Statistical Data Included. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. December, Vol: 14; No: 1; pp: Preventing Sexual Harassment: All Reasonable Steps. html Accessed on 14 February, A short list of inappropriate places would include the buttocks, the legs, or the chest, but could be expanded to include anywhere other than the arm or the shoulder. A second offense, or any harassing of the waitress or manager because of the warning, would eject in the patron being ejected from the cocktail lounge.

In the case of a lounge patron who was also a hotel guest, the guest would be barred from re-entering the lounge during his or her stay. Furthermore, while it would be impossible for a hospitality manager to try to prevent flirting by the customers, the fact is that some behavior is obviously inappropriate. Workers in any other industry would not be expected to put up with over sexual offers or demands, and cocktail waitresses should not be faced with that type of behavior, either. In fact, to permit patrons to treat waitresses in that…. The apparently unfounded accusations of embezzlement against Crawford appear to have been the telling difference for this recent ruling.

The more common tactic of 'performance management' is more subtle and much more difficult to prove. An employee whose job performance was previously considered acceptable will begin to receive less favorable reviews and impossible tasks and goals to further ensure failure. The employee then has the option of using the "Open Door," but is already known as a whistleblower and due to decreasing performance reviews is not likely to be regarded as wholly credible in his or her complaints. Unfortunately, this ruling by the Supreme Court that is designed to offer employees more protection may in fact only enforce the tried and true 'performance management' tactic of eliminating employees with courage enough to speak out against harassment.

In an economic era of job cutting, self preservation instincts are stronger than ever…. References Armstrong, N. Workplace bullying worse than sexual harassment: Study. Retrieved January 26, , from Reuters. How sexual harassment can impact Army operations As an American organization, the armed forces face many of the same distinct challenges that are prevalent within society overall. Issues related to leadership diversity, wages, benefits, and sexual harassment are all prevalent within the military. The United States armed forces is a collection of distinguished and honorable personnel.

The constituents within each unit vary regarding socio-economic backgrounds, race, religion, and culture. It is this diversity that provides a competitive advantage for our country as it relates to defending its territory. The ability to leverage and utilize a diverse skill set allows innovative ideas to rise to the forefront. This is particularly important as cyber security, chemical, and nuclear threats become more prevalent. Although the military has expanding its diversity initiative in recent years, a large proportion of the military is comprised of men. According to the Defense Department, women now make up…. References: 1. Department of the Army. Army leadership ADP pdf 2. Malamuth, N. The confluence model of sexual aggression: Combining hostile masculinity and impersonal sex.

Sex Offender Treatment, 3. Sadler, A. Military Psychology, , Cultural Issues: Sexual HarassmentAlthough it might appear sexual harassment is universally a bad thing, different cultures may have different standards and norms for what constitutes harassment. This is a very difficult topic. Even within our own cultural context, people have very different levels of comfort regarding sexual issues. Some cultures have standards of modesty that might forbid someone from discussing intimate matters with a counselor of the opposite gender. Other cultures might accept a level of flirtatiousness and intimacy as normal, even comparison with our own secular, relaxed standards. Some cultures may regard feminism as sacrosanct, while others may consider deference to feminine weakness polite.

As well as religion and gender, sexual orientation, power position, even geography and employment background might be relevant, as individuals from certain areas of the country or…. Reference Mishra, V. Sexual harassment training: A need to consider cultural differences. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13 2 , One important ethical issue currently facing the Army is the problem of sexual harassment. This paper will illustrate the root cause of sexual harassment, its impact on the force, and present a solution for addressing the root cause. What is at the Root of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment stems from an inappropriate regard for opposite sex.

However, now that women share a more prominent role in the military alongside men, the problem of sexual harassment has increased, and Bennett points…. References Allen, C. Ethics and army leadership: climate matters. Parameters, 45 1 , Bennett, J. Combating Sexual Assault With the Military Ethic: Exploring Culture, Military Institutions, and Norms-Based Preventive Policy. Gore, K. Beliefs about sexual assault and sexual harassment: Prevalence, prevention, and progress. AR Morral. Stimson, C. Sexual Assault in the Military: Understanding the Problem and How to Fix It. Background Amanda is a year-old female who works as a customer service representative in a local call center.

She is married and has a two-year-old daughter. Amanda came in seeking help as a result of an awareness that some of the men at her workplace may have crossed the line when it comes to the treatment of women. This is the only place she has ever worked and thought these behaviors were normal until the MeToo movement brought it to her attention that their behavior is more than just the corporate culture. When Amanda thought about it, she realized that she was being sexually harassed, and possibly even singled out by males in her work environment.

She does not feel comfortable talking about this issue with human resources or her current supervisor, because her supervisor is one of the perpetrators. She fears that complaining at work will have repercussions and…. References Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. ABCT Sexual Assault. Sexual Harassment Is About Mental Health, Not Only in the Workplace. Talking About MeToo. Counseling Today. Sexual Harassment. Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. EEOC These public sector good old boy networks pale in comparison, though, to the male-dominating culture that exists in organizations such as the U.

Although significant progress has been made in encouraging women to enlist in the U. Army and even serve in combat roles in recent years, the lingering effects of the good old boy network in the U. Army together with the prevalence of sexual harassment and the high-profile reports of these occurrences have discouraged many women from pursuing a military career. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review…. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company. Demographics of the U. Council on Foreign Relations. Ferguson, K. Can trust be restored? Psychological Health Center of Excellence. Stewart, J. Department of Defense Fiscal Year annual report on sexual assault in the military. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Ethics Considerations Investigations of high-ranking members of an organization are uncomfortable and potentially harmful for the reputation of the firm. Allegations once made cannot be put back in the box. Thus, it should be with great care and consideration that any investigation into a high-ranking leader in a firm is conducted; information should be verified; evidence should be collected and documented; and facts should be permitted to tell their own story. Because this case, however, relies upon witness testimony, the facts are not going to be as clear as what one might find in a case of money laundering, where there is a paper trail. This case will rely on eye witness testimony and the testimony of a manager to whom was confided the information of harassment by the….

References Nemeth, C. Private Security and the Investigative Process, 4th Edition. Florida: CRC Press. Sennewald, C. Security Consulting, 3rd Edition. MeToo in the Workplace With the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and the fall from grace of several other prominent persons in media and entertainment, business and government— from Charlie Rose to to Matt Lauer to Rep. Patrick Meehan to Les Moonves to Kevin Spacey—a veritable slew of names and stories has appeared, propelling the MeToo Movement into existence Glamour. However, some have questioned whether the MeToo Movement has run into a wall and lost steam just when it looked like it might usher in real change on the heels of so much awareness being raised Tchen.

The question this paper asks is: Has the MeToo movement changed the way corporations address sexual harassment in the workplace? The answer is that, yes, in some ways it has changed the way corporations address sexual harassment in the workplace—at least in high-profile cases wherein companies want to distance themselves from any…. Works Cited Elsesser, Kim. html Littleton, Cynthia and Joe Otterson. Ralph, Sarah. Shultz, Elizabeth. Tchen, Tina. We still have a long way to go. IRAC: Stoll v. Runyon Issue Issue 2 Cynthia Stoll was subjected to both quid pro quo sexual harassment and a hostile workplace environment at the Sacramento Post Office. Runyon, p. The Post Office refused to award front pay. Issue 2 Stoll contended she was eligible for disability benefits due to the fact her psychological disturbances were trigged by her harassment.

Rule Rule 1 The Office of Federal Operations OFO and the US Post Office both refused to award front pay, given that Stoll had been so psychologically debilitated by her experience she might not work again and argued that front pay in this instance would be tantamount to compensatory damages which were barred under…. These sessions should teach employees what sexual harassment is, explain that employees have a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment and review your complaint procedure and encourage employees to use it. The sessions should educate the managers and supervisors about sexual harassment and explain how to deal with complaints. Immediately investigate complains and respond to all valid threats. Bibliography Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Sexual harassment is a dangerous weed which needs to be rooted out from our society. This malady threatens our fundamental constitutional basis of freedom and equality for all. Implementing a good sexual harassment policy at the organizational level and strict enforcement of punishments for offenders is the rightful solution to the problem. Sexual harassment has assumed huge proportions and is an omnipresent problem raising its hood in all social and professional domains. Women, being the weaker sex are the most affected by this social evil and all the positive achievements of the women's liberation movement have been spoilt by this malady.

Gender discrimination continues to haunt us and at every level and it has cast a doubt on the general notion of America as a nation of liberty and gender equality. The corporate sector is no more a secure place for women, with sexual harassment cases getting revealed one by…. html Kimberly A. This must be done with care so that the accused offender does not attempt to take retaliatory action against the accuser. The Goforth article discusses how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission use outreach programs to show business leaders how a proactive approach to sexual harassment issues can prevent lawsuits, protect bottom lines and preserve reputations.

The article recommends that employers must take an active role in creating an atmosphere in which employees like to come to work. Sexual harassment in this case must be addressed on a personal level with employees, to put the challenge out in the open. A third suggestion of how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace is mentioned in Elliot's article. Elliot suggestions that all employers should implement and strictly enforce a sexual harassment policy, and he offers a list of items that any good policy must include. That said, Perry notes that "we know surprisingly little" about whether the training actually creates "positive change"; and given that lack of specific knowledge, the authors present what they call the "best training practices" that are available for HR departments and managers

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