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Pursuit of happiness essay

Pursuit of happiness essay

Motivation is crucial for the efficient working performance. Chris is pursuit of happiness essay to sell his scanners and Linda is working long shifts in order to pay for their home and child care, but along the way they forget to focus on the emotional balance between spouses resulting in them separating. Most popular essay topics on Happiness prepared by our experts:. Gardner continues to sell bone density scanners while taking on the unpaid internship, with slim chances for advancement to a paid position. The Concept of Ideal Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the philosophy claims that when it comes to a moral decision, always elect the one that benefits the majority, pursuit of happiness essay.

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The significance of motivation, positive attitude, determination, and discipline cannot be overestimated in every working environment and professional sales in particular. All these factors are crucial for the pursuit of happiness essay organizational performance and positive outcomes. A professional sale is an extremely competitive sphere, and it requires time and efforts to achieve success. In the following paper, the lessons of success from the movie The Pursuit of Happyness will be characterized and evaluated. Although there are different methods of getting what one wants, the primary principles remain the same — one has to be eager to achieve something and never give up, pursuit of happiness essay.

The Pursuit of Happyness is one of the best films that presents a strong will, self-determination, motivation, pursuit of happiness essay, and discipline as essential constituents of success. It is significant to have insight into the idea of the film for the further evaluation. The Pursuit of Happyness is a biographical drama that describes the life of Chris Gardner. The main character is a salesperson who has to take care his five-year-old son. The story depicts the way Gardner fights for his dream, pursuit of happiness essay.

It is a challenge to become successful in the sphere of professional sales. Here is a list of the most significant constituents of success according to the story:. As it has been already mentioned, professional sales form pursuit of happiness essay extremely competitive sphere. Sales comprise an integral part of everyday life of all people. The fact is that there are many participants in the field, but only a few of them are winners. Being a professional salesperson requires time and energy. One should always remember that being a salesperson and a sales professional is not the same thing Jamail 5. According to Jamail, everyone who has a pleasant voice and a beautiful smile can become a salesperson.

Nevertheless, the professional development in pursuit of happiness essay domain presupposes constant learning and improvement of skills. There is a variety of opinions concerning the nature of sales. Some people consider it to be the art of speaking and persuasion. Others believe that a salesmanship is based on the ability to build rapport with people, pursuit of happiness essay. All these statements are too broad to be useful in practice. A professional salesperson should possess broad knowledge and skills. Thus, one has to create a particular strategy for sales.

Also, a successful salesman has to deal with a variety of external factors such as human emotions, behaviors, and unpredictable situations. Even more, a professional in the sphere should be able to read the body language of others and understand the way they think, pursuit of happiness essay. No one is going to pay a monthly salary for an employee who has not sold anything. It is what makes professional sales unique and challenging. In such cases, the salesperson has to stay motivated and keep trying. The first significant aspect of professional sales is goal setting. Goals define the objectives that have to be achieved. Consequently, the person focuses on the particular goal and moves towards its accomplishment. This fact has been proved by numerous studies. A person who has exact aims is more likely to demonstrate better performance than the person whose goals are not clear.

However, the goal setting is not just about defining what has to be done. A salesperson should have specific objectives and accept them. Also, these goals have to be attainable Lunenburg In the movie under evaluation, the main character has a particular pursuit of happiness essay — to become a successful stockbroker. Second, goals have to be difficult, but achievable. Otherwise, the person will not receive an adequate level of satisfaction. Too challenging goals may also lead to negative consequences due to the potential demotivation. At the same time, he knows that he can do it, and this fact makes him improve his performance. The acceptance of goals leads to the increasing self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is another important aspect of the successful performance.

Chris sets a particular aim, and his self-efficacy enhances when he starts to work hard. His self-satisfaction increased, and he became more motivated as a result. The ability to maintain a positive attitude towards the job is essential for a salesperson. Working with sales can be rather stressful. There are bad periods that do not bring many revenues. Also, workers continually meet different people, and their treatment can be various as well. Some clients are pleasant and polite while others are ready to shout that they do not need anything.

Finally, the relationships with superiors require a positive attitude too. A positive attitude is crucial if one wants to reduce stress and avoid burnouts. It comprises of several constituents including hope, optimism, resiliency, and confidence Woods Hope is the ability to wait for something better in stressful situations. Chris Gardner relies on hope in the movie. The situation in his life is terrible as far as he even does not have a place to live. Nevertheless, his faith is strong, and it leads him. Optimism is another part of a positive attitude.

Thus, every salesperson should believe in optimistic results. The importance of optimism should not be underestimated. Metropolitan Life case study proves that fact. Thus, in the s, the company hired approximately five thousand salespeople and trained them. The psychologists found out that positive people were better sellers in comparison to others, pursuit of happiness essay. As a result, the company began hiring employees only with high levels of optimism. Resiliency, being the third constituent of a positive attitude, deals with the ability to overcome stress and restore strengths. It also means the willingness to go on and try one more time even if it is difficult. He always remains devoted to his initial goals regardless of failures and problems.

The last part of the positive attitude, confidence, relates to self-efficacy. Motivation is crucial for the efficient working performance. Motivation is a power that makes people continue fighting for their dreams and accomplish set goals. Two types of motivation are distinguished: extrinsic and intrinsic. An intrinsic motivation refers to the individual interest and commitment to work while the extrinsic motivation concerns material rewards for the job. Depending on circumstances, one type of motivation may be preferred. In most cases, the combination of both kinds is employed. However, pursuit of happiness essay, the balance between them may differ among different organizations Frey and Osterloh 3, pursuit of happiness essay.

Managers have to create effective strategies for the extrinsic motivation of employees. For instance, the manager of Panasonic, Tali Rose, developed a personalized sales incentive platform for the motivation of retail salespeople in New Zeeland. The company faced high competence in the country. The aim of the program was to motivate employees and enhance their working performance. A particular communication program was introduced. Thus, salespeople received personalized notifications of their accomplishments and rewards. His intrinsic motivation refers to his desire to become a stockbroker and his belief that he would be happy to have that position.

The extrinsic motivation of Chris concerns his son. He wants to earn money, receive rewards to provide his son with a better life and opportunities. It is also necessary to stay motivated in various circumstances. Chris has a dream, pursuit of happiness essay, and he keeps moving towards it. Not even me. You got a dream, and you got to protect it. You pursuit of happiness essay something, go get pursuit of happiness essay. Many people do not believe in the power of discipline though the practice shows that it is vital for the efficient performance. Self-discipline allows people to monitor their achievements and do not give up. People tend to pity themselves and have breaks because of too many efforts.

In many cases, individuals exaggerate their accomplishments. A self-discipline allows pursuit of happiness essay to control achievements and improve efficacy Rosso par. He decides to call at least two hundred people a day. It is tough but it what makes him unique and gives him hope for the better future. The determination is of particular importance for professional sales as well.

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When thinking of what happiness means, how would you define it? Happiness is often looked down upon as always being the person to smile for everything and being nice towards others. However, behind that person that always smiles for everything and towards anyone could possibly deep inside not even be as happy as they perceive. Yet, could be battling a war we may not even be aware about to the slightest because of how well they seem to cover it up with that smile and positive attitude. But what does it really mean to be happy? In this essay I will briefly cover the definition of happiness, what happiness gets confused for, and what happiness means to me. So, feeling happy is considered as being delightful with their character and who they are.

To have that feeling of being ecstatic with where you are in life. And what you are doing that make you feel full and content with yourself and your life. Having a negative attitude towards others and yourself is what happiness is not. To wait for the day to really be happy, and satisfied, making yourself believe that you are happy with who and where you are is also not true happiness. You will end up waiting forever and never truly being happy with yourself. It is masking and shielding yourself from being happy and feeling content. Pleasure is a feeling that is often mistaken for being happy. Although, both happiness and pleasure make us feel good, and elated. However, pleasure is a temporary feeling. Happiness to me is something that I am currently working on, it indeed is a working progress.

I cannot say I am one hundred percent happy and content with myself. But I have accepted my flaws, the things that I have done in my past, the relationships I have had, as well as influences that have left an impact on me. But acceptance is one of the first steps to being happy with myself. Happiness to me would not only be to have such a livid, and colorful attitude. But to be motivated and to keep pushing forward day by day making progress to complete any goals. Although our definitions of happiness vary person to person. I think it is better off that way, only our inner self and heart know what makes us truly happy, to be happy is my main goal in life. Being truly happy can lead to many different open possibilities such as new life experiences, and relationships with others that will support you and help maintain being content.

However, only we as human beings can decide and allow things to come in our life that help us become satisfied. We are in control of what we do with our lives, and only we know truly what we want and deserve to be doing with our own lives. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Happiness prepared by our experts:. Can Money Buy you Happiness? Hasidic Schools In most Hasidic schools, including the ones I attended, Aristotle is taught to be synonymous with sin, and is depicted as the symbol of non-Jewish promiscuity and wickedness. Professional and Personal Code of Ethics What I value most in my life are my two daughters, my children mean everything to me and I promised myself that I would do any and everything for my kids to ensure that they would never want for anything.

An Idea of the Utilitarian Perspective When we consider the concept of utilitarianism we base it on the pleasures and pains we encounter and how they balance regarding maximizing happiness overall. Utilitarianism and its Basic Concepts Utilitarianism concentrates on the outcome of an action, which means that it determines in what is right or wrong based on the consequences of what this action brings about. Main Principle of Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the philosophy claims that when it comes to a moral decision, always elect the one that benefits the majority. Genetically Modifying Utilitarianism Abstract This paper presents a refreshing look at Utilitarianism and furthermore ties the ideas of utilitarianism to the process of Eugenics.

Arranged Marriages in the Countries In Jane Myers article on marital satisfaction, she states a preliminary comparison between arranged marriages in India and marriages of choice in the United States in terms of satisfaction and wellness. Meaning of Happiness by Socrates Everyone is constantly searching for the true concept of happiness in their lives. My Understanding of Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher and economist, and feminist and civil servant. Utilitarianism and its Crucial Ideas Among the ethic branches, Utilitarianism is a branch that belongs to Consequentialism. The Concept of Ideal Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the philosophy claims that when it comes to a moral decision, always elect the one that benefits the majority.

Nelson Mandela and Vincent Van Gogh Nelson Mandela and Vincent Van Gogh are two significant characters, who each was considered one of the most important contributors in his field of interest. This movie also demonstrated the sociological theory called the Weberian Theory. Chris challenges the theory of symbolic interactionism. He had no education after high school and no steady job with annual income. The council viewed Chris as an inferior individual at first glance, but Chris challenged the belief that we stick to our split-second judgements on appearance.

Overall the film accurately explains the concepts of socioeconomics and the different concepts of social class based on race and income. This movie focuses on the substantive area of social class and the structure of social inequality. It demonstrates the aspects of social mobility, poverty, the lower class along with the upper class, prestige, and the different sociological theories. The film conveys an accurate depiction of an open system by allowing people in poverty such as Chris to be capable of moving from one social class to another. The film also demonstrated the difficulty of social mobility and how easy it is for someone to move down a social class, for example relative to absolute poverty, versus how difficult it is for someone to move up a social class.

In the film there is an accurate depiction of what it is like to be in the working poor class and the underclass and how they face everyday challenges of providing basic necessities and often need public assistance to help support them along the way. Another aspect of social class the film focused on was family based off of a socioeconomic status. Although this is a stereotype for African Americans it is statistically proven that they are more likely to be single parents, as demonstrated in the film. The film A Pursuit of Happiness, showed insight into social inequalities and struggles of social class and helped to tie all of these concepts together in a real life scenario. The Pursuit Of Happiness summary Essay. com, Jun 27, Accessed January 7, com , Jun The Pursuit of Happiness summary Essay.

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