Thursday, March 10, 2022

Essay on conservation of forest

Essay on conservation of forest

Secondary English 12 English Class 6 English E-Book Class 10 English E-Book Class 7 English E-Book Class 8 English E-Books Class 11 English E-Books Class 9 English Essay English Sample Papers 12 eVirtualGuru General Knowledge General Knowledge January Geography Geography 12 Geography E-books 11 Higher Classes Essay on conservation of forest Sr. Even the Rhinos have to get a better deal than what they are getting now. It is both a way of life and an aspect of culture of these people. The extensive plantations raised by Government have been earmarked to industries and the common man continues to feel the pinch of shortage of fuel wood. The involvement of non-government organisations can go a long way in the conservation and improvement of our forests. Fire is another major factor in the destruction of forests, essay on conservation of forest.

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Floods, population problems and other environmental hazards have been increasing. The environmental hazards in this country have not reached the stage prevailing in several highly industrialized countries. We are, however heading to it. Lack of adequate vegetate cover in the catchments or watersheds of our rivers and streams, exploitation of our hill forests indiscriminately to meet the ever-increasing needs of population, essay on conservation of forest, the indiscriminate lopping, essay on conservation of forest, grazing and fires have resulted in a great loss to the country in the form of soil erosion, floods, and damage to the regeneration.

Since independence the country has lost over four lakh hectares of forests — a precious and renewable source of energy — due to indiscriminate release of land for agriculture when one knows that what is needed is a more intensive cultivation and not extensive onesubmersion due to irrigation and power projects, clearance for high tension lines, for rehabilitation of expropriated and other categories of people, development of colonies, command areas, etc. with adequate safeguards against environmental hazards. Only recently the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Co-ordination was constituted to have a look into the several projects from an ecological angle sent by States to the Planning Commission for clearance.

It is needless to indicate here the manifold advantages of vegetation in ameliorating the climatic conditions, maintenance of stream flow, conserving the soil and general maintenance of the eco-system including flora and fauna. Forest soils well stocked with deep-rooted trees have a storage capacity varying from 50, to 2,00, essay on conservation of forest, cusecs of water per square kilometer. The structure of a forest has a bearing on its influence on noise effect. The denser the under storey and the ground vegetation and the more pronounced the vertical closure of the forest stand, the higher is its essay on conservation of forest capacity.

A park 50 m wide can reduce the traffic noise by 20 to 30 decibels. Forests thus provide indirect protection against noise. A hectare of a forest of broad-leafed trees would collect at least 30 to 50 tons of dust, besides the usefulness of forests from the recreational aspect and in conserving wild life. The people living in the villages need for their daily sustenance fuel for their cooking and other needs, fodder for their cattle, fertilizer for their fields, and small timber for their rural houses and agricultural implements, bamboos for a variety of uses. The plight in urban areas of middle and low-income groups is worse. In other words the trees become the basis of all sustenance and preservation of environment.

Ecological considerations have not been of high priority in many developing countries. Fortunately awareness of ecological consequences has been growing rapidly, and environmental considerations would increasingly affect the forest development policies and strategy all over the world. Large areas of the hills of North-East India, Orissa, essay on conservation of forest, M. This is a serious threat to the ecological balance of these areas resulting in the rapid destruction of flora and fauna in the hill regions and essay on conservation of forest soil erosion and floods. It is both a way of life and an aspect of culture of these people. The only way in which shifting cultivation could be controlled is by agro-forestry practices.

Taungya cultivation, Agrisilvi culture is practiced in India to grow forest crops in conjunction with agricultural crops where there is great pressure on land in North U. and Kerala. A essay on conservation of forest example of agro-forestry practice is the Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines which has initiated the shifting cultivators to grow Albizzia falcatoria for pulp aided by the World Bank through the Development Bank of the Philippines. A similar measure, modified to our local conditions, would help in the ecological balance in the hills. Government of India through the I.

have rightly constituted a Task Force on agro-forestry for the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Barak region. To do essay on conservation of forest, dedicated experienced people are needed to handle these cases and to make the cultivators accept the concept of a settled way of life. Essay on conservation of forest independence we have lost million hectares of forest land. The installation of more thermal plants and planning of nuclear power plants as well as utilization of solar energy should be encouraged and natural forests saved. Forests form the backbone for many wood and pulp essay on conservation of forest which consume power and if forests are lost the power cannot be commissioned. Nearly, essay on conservation of forest, million tons of fuel wood is consumed per year out of which only 20 million tones come from recorded sources.

This indicates the alarming rate at which the tree growth is depleted on the countryside. Nearly four million tons essay on conservation of forest fuel is reported to be needed for cremation in the country. Nearly 80 million tones of valuable crowding is burnt as fuel for want of alternative fuel. Bio gases and other agricultural residues valuable as raw material for pulp industries are burnt. In order to rationalize the usage of these materials energy plantations are badly needed. Such energy plantation as Casuarinas and Eucalyptus could be seen raised by people around Bangalore and Keral in Karnataka. The extensive plantations raised by Government have been earmarked to industries and the common man continues to feel the pinch of shortage of fuel wood.

Large area in India are subjected to mining. Inmines were working in India of which were non-coal mineral mines and were coal mines, all employing nearly 7,45, persons. The pollution and health hazards consequent on the open mining methods, as well as the slime disposal of underground mines pose a big problem. Ecological measures are badly needed to prevent soil wash, prevention of noise and dust and other forms of pollution, essay on conservation of forest. A far reaching development was that of Kudremukh Iron Ore Co. The Bababudangiri Iron Ore Project has tried to inbuilt the environmental measures within the project cost, essay on conservation of forest. Extensive implementation of social forestry would mean the improvement in climatic conditions, essay on conservation of forest, betterment of the environment, and building up of enormous potential for energy resources without detriment to the present resources and providing employment to thousands.

The large scale cultivation of bamboo, essay on conservation of forest much sought after material both by the rich and the poor, would add to increased resources. Treated bamboos offer excellent raw material for housing of low-income groups. In the matter of conservation of wild life our country has done a commendable work in total banning of shooting and initiating establishment of sanctuaries and National Parks including the prestigious Project Tiger which has also produced encouraging results. The conservation of other species like crocodiles and reptiles and fish which are threatened of extinction need to be stepped up. Crocodile farming has been an outstanding success in places like Bangkok, and India should step up such projects.

A more intensive vigilance is needed to protection of wild life especially around project areas. Our elephant population has been dwindling, though reports of rampage by elephants are made out in such a way as to make people believe that their number has increased. In reality it is the other way and man has encroached on their habitat and they are perforce to head into the agricultural fields for food. In recent years a pernicious practice has developed where the herd are followed with or without the help of the local tribals and males are killed for ivory. It is found that there has been a gradual reduction in the number of male animals in elephant herds, essay on conservation of forest.

The Karnataka-Kerala-Tamil Nady complex has been the home of these pachyderms. The submergence of large chunks of forests has deprived these animals and other wild life undisturbed habitat. Against this background, it was proposed nearly ten years ago to develop an integrated National Park called Jawahar National Park including Bandipur, Mudumalai sanctuaries of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu of the area abutting these in Kerala. But it is unfortunate that essay on conservation of forest considerations have come in the way of integrating these three areas. When this is done there can be no better effort in conservation of wild life and with the interest the Prime Minister has in this it is hoped it will materialize.

Even the Rhinos have to get a better deal than what they are getting now. The denudation in the Himalayan Region and consequential floods calls for an international programme of watershed management aided by all the adjacent countries — Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangla Desh and Bhutan. Controlled forestry policy backed by political will, with a long-range view and not a primitive outlook towards forest, is needed today. Our forest policy should, therefore, result in a large share of resources being allocated to rural a forestation programme directly benefiting the large percentage of the people.

These could create enormous employment opportunities. Technology and expertise is not lacking in our country for handling these challenges and for providing clear habitat, water and air to our people. Otherwise we could not be able to conserve our resources. The sorry spectacle of clearance of large extents of primeval tropical forests by long leases in the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region has led to a serious set-back in the ecological balance and shortage of potential resources. It is, therefore, fondly hoped that India will forge ahead as one of the leading developing countries not only in conserving but also in the all-round development of our natural resources. Forest Conservation. THE birth and growth of human civilization and culture has been very intimately connected with the forests.

Forests have had a great influence on human thought and way of living. For example, the Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest known religious, philosophical and literary monuments of mankind are the direct products of forest-life in ancient India. The Aranyakas or the Forest Texts form an integral part of these oldest testaments of human wisdom and philosophy. They are called so because they were both composed and studied in the forest-dwellings. They contain the contemplation and meditation of the forest seers, hermits and rishis on God and Soul. Many of the Vedic gods are deified forces of nature They have been very beautifully and poetically personified in hymns and prayers. In a very fascinating hymn, which is addressed to the Spirit of the forest, the Vedic poet says:.

Adorned with fragrant perfumes and she needs not toil for her food. Mother of untamed forest beasts, Spirit of the wood, I salute you! The intimacy with forests has always been a refreshing and invigorating influence in human life. But modern materialism, greed and over-exploitation of forests have left the bitter taste of the fruits of prosperity. It has created a disharmony and imbalance in our ecology and environment, an evil that essay on conservation of forest being intensely realized now. The urbanization and industrialization on a vast scale, during the past few decades, have resulted in mass deforestation and depletion of the green cover.

Forests are one of the priceless boons of nature, but human consumerism has created such a great pressure on forests that they have almost disappeared in many areas, resulting in soil-erosion, floods and barrenness of the earth, pollution, climatic changes, droughts and destruction of the fragile ecosystem. The neglect and destruction of forests is bound to have serious repercussions on our lives. There is an urgent need to check deforestation and dwindling of green-cover in India. Hence, the preservation and development of forests should rank essay on conservation of forest in our priorities.

The part played by forests in improving the quality of environment and that of life is beyond any shadow of doubt. They are a great source of renewable energy and contribute significantly to our essay on conservation of forest development. India has an area of Unclassified area is spread over About But, unfortunately, this cover is fast shrinking because of our greed, selfishness and wrong priorities. Consequently, the wildlife has also been threatened and many species of animals and birds have become extinct and many others are in danger of extinction. India has a forest policy since

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Since independence the country has lost over four lakh hectares of forests — a precious and renewable source of energy — due to indiscriminate release of land for agriculture when one knows that what is needed is a more intensive cultivation and not extensive one , submersion due to irrigation and power projects, clearance for high tension lines, for rehabilitation of expropriated and other categories of people, development of colonies, command areas, etc. with adequate safeguards against environmental hazards. Only recently the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Co-ordination was constituted to have a look into the several projects from an ecological angle sent by States to the Planning Commission for clearance. It is needless to indicate here the manifold advantages of vegetation in ameliorating the climatic conditions, maintenance of stream flow, conserving the soil and general maintenance of the eco-system including flora and fauna.

Forest soils well stocked with deep-rooted trees have a storage capacity varying from 50, to 2,00, cusecs of water per square kilometer. The structure of a forest has a bearing on its influence on noise effect. The denser the under storey and the ground vegetation and the more pronounced the vertical closure of the forest stand, the higher is its sound-absorbing capacity. A park 50 m wide can reduce the traffic noise by 20 to 30 decibels. Forests thus provide indirect protection against noise. A hectare of a forest of broad-leafed trees would collect at least 30 to 50 tons of dust, besides the usefulness of forests from the recreational aspect and in conserving wild life.

The people living in the villages need for their daily sustenance fuel for their cooking and other needs, fodder for their cattle, fertilizer for their fields, and small timber for their rural houses and agricultural implements, bamboos for a variety of uses. The plight in urban areas of middle and low-income groups is worse. In other words the trees become the basis of all sustenance and preservation of environment. Ecological considerations have not been of high priority in many developing countries. Fortunately awareness of ecological consequences has been growing rapidly, and environmental considerations would increasingly affect the forest development policies and strategy all over the world.

Large areas of the hills of North-East India, Orissa, M. This is a serious threat to the ecological balance of these areas resulting in the rapid destruction of flora and fauna in the hill regions and accentuating soil erosion and floods. It is both a way of life and an aspect of culture of these people. The only way in which shifting cultivation could be controlled is by agro-forestry practices. Taungya cultivation, Agrisilvi culture is practiced in India to grow forest crops in conjunction with agricultural crops where there is great pressure on land in North U. and Kerala. A notable example of agro-forestry practice is the Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines which has initiated the shifting cultivators to grow Albizzia falcatoria for pulp aided by the World Bank through the Development Bank of the Philippines.

A similar measure, modified to our local conditions, would help in the ecological balance in the hills. Government of India through the I. have rightly constituted a Task Force on agro-forestry for the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Barak region. To do this, dedicated experienced people are needed to handle these cases and to make the cultivators accept the concept of a settled way of life. Since independence we have lost million hectares of forest land. The installation of more thermal plants and planning of nuclear power plants as well as utilization of solar energy should be encouraged and natural forests saved. Forests form the backbone for many wood and pulp industries which consume power and if forests are lost the power cannot be commissioned.

Nearly, million tons of fuel wood is consumed per year out of which only 20 million tones come from recorded sources. This indicates the alarming rate at which the tree growth is depleted on the countryside. Nearly four million tons of fuel is reported to be needed for cremation in the country. Nearly 80 million tones of valuable crowding is burnt as fuel for want of alternative fuel. Bio gases and other agricultural residues valuable as raw material for pulp industries are burnt. In order to rationalize the usage of these materials energy plantations are badly needed.

Such energy plantation as Casuarinas and Eucalyptus could be seen raised by people around Bangalore and Keral in Karnataka. The extensive plantations raised by Government have been earmarked to industries and the common man continues to feel the pinch of shortage of fuel wood. Large area in India are subjected to mining. In , mines were working in India of which were non-coal mineral mines and were coal mines, all employing nearly 7,45, persons. The pollution and health hazards consequent on the open mining methods, as well as the slime disposal of underground mines pose a big problem.

Ecological measures are badly needed to prevent soil wash, prevention of noise and dust and other forms of pollution. A far reaching development was that of Kudremukh Iron Ore Co. The Bababudangiri Iron Ore Project has tried to inbuilt the environmental measures within the project cost. Extensive implementation of social forestry would mean the improvement in climatic conditions, betterment of the environment, and building up of enormous potential for energy resources without detriment to the present resources and providing employment to thousands. The large scale cultivation of bamboo, a much sought after material both by the rich and the poor, would add to increased resources.

Treated bamboos offer excellent raw material for housing of low-income groups. In the matter of conservation of wild life our country has done a commendable work in total banning of shooting and initiating establishment of sanctuaries and National Parks including the prestigious Project Tiger which has also produced encouraging results. The conservation of other species like crocodiles and reptiles and fish which are threatened of extinction need to be stepped up. Crocodile farming has been an outstanding success in places like Bangkok, and India should step up such projects. A more intensive vigilance is needed to protection of wild life especially around project areas. Our elephant population has been dwindling, though reports of rampage by elephants are made out in such a way as to make people believe that their number has increased.

In reality it is the other way and man has encroached on their habitat and they are perforce to head into the agricultural fields for food. In recent years a pernicious practice has developed where the herd are followed with or without the help of the local tribals and males are killed for ivory. It is found that there has been a gradual reduction in the number of male animals in elephant herds. The Karnataka-Kerala-Tamil Nady complex has been the home of these pachyderms. The submergence of large chunks of forests has deprived these animals and other wild life undisturbed habitat. Against this background, it was proposed nearly ten years ago to develop an integrated National Park called Jawahar National Park including Bandipur, Mudumalai sanctuaries of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu of the area abutting these in Kerala.

But it is unfortunate that some considerations have come in the way of integrating these three areas. When this is done there can be no better effort in conservation of wild life and with the interest the Prime Minister has in this it is hoped it will materialize. Even the Rhinos have to get a better deal than what they are getting now. The denudation in the Himalayan Region and consequential floods calls for an international programme of watershed management aided by all the adjacent countries — Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangla Desh and Bhutan. Controlled forestry policy backed by political will, with a long-range view and not a primitive outlook towards forest, is needed today. Our forest policy should, therefore, result in a large share of resources being allocated to rural a forestation programme directly benefiting the large percentage of the people.

These could create enormous employment opportunities. Technology and expertise is not lacking in our country for handling these challenges and for providing clear habitat, water and air to our people. Otherwise we could not be able to conserve our resources. The sorry spectacle of clearance of large extents of primeval tropical forests by long leases in the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region has led to a serious set-back in the ecological balance and shortage of potential resources. It is, therefore, fondly hoped that India will forge ahead as one of the leading developing countries not only in conserving but also in the all-round development of our natural resources. Forest Conservation. THE birth and growth of human civilization and culture has been very intimately connected with the forests.

Forests have had a great influence on human thought and way of living. For example, the Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest known religious, philosophical and literary monuments of mankind are the direct products of forest-life in ancient India. The Aranyakas or the Forest Texts form an integral part of these oldest testaments of human wisdom and philosophy. They are called so because they were both composed and studied in the forest-dwellings. They contain the contemplation and meditation of the forest seers, hermits and rishis on God and Soul. Many of the Vedic gods are deified forces of nature They have been very beautifully and poetically personified in hymns and prayers. In a very fascinating hymn, which is addressed to the Spirit of the forest, the Vedic poet says:.

Adorned with fragrant perfumes and she needs not toil for her food. Mother of untamed forest beasts, Spirit of the wood, I salute you! The intimacy with forests has always been a refreshing and invigorating influence in human life. Selection of trees should be done according to local geographical conditions. For the development of villages, towns and cities, forestlands have been cleared and this process continues to this day causing loss of forest cover. This should be checked and green belts around cities be developed. Most of the present-day agricultural land was once forested and then cleared for the use of agriculture; it has reached a stage where further clearance will be dangerous for the entire ecosystem.

According to an estimate, about 40 million sq. km of land is used for shifting cultivation by million tribals of the world. Apart from commercial cutting, unorganized grazing is also one of the reasons. There are several forest diseases resulting from parasitic fungi, rusts, mistletoes, viruses and nematodes, which cause the destruction of trees. The forests should be protected either by use of chemical spray, antibiotics or by development of disease resistant strains of trees. Generally, trees are cut for logs and the rest, including stump, limbs, branches and foliage, etc. Further waste occurs at the sawmills. Therefore there is a need to utilize this waste material. Similarly, forests can be used or developed as tourist centres.

This is a good method of forest conservation. In brief, conservation of forest resources can be done by cooperative efforts of the government, non-government organizations and the public through a proper management system. Essay 4. National Forestry Action Programme for Forest Conservation : The NFAP identified five interrelated basic issues confronting forestry development in India which form the basis of the following programme structures. These include the works of forest survey, demarcation and mapping, inventory, biodiversity conservation, protected area management, protection against poaching, encroachment and fire, and other related issues.

These mainly involve research, improvement in technology, enrichment planting, soil and water conservation, regeneration, rehabilitation, and afforestation, mainly in existing forests. This includes programme for reduction of demand placed on forests through the technology of preservation, seasoning, substitutions, and other measures for the efficient utilization of forest products and also through biomass plantations. These include the development of infrastructure such as buildings, communications, etc. and strengthening of staff including HRD.

This issue also covers all aspects of capacity- building, forest policy and legislation, public forest administration and organizational structure, research, planning and budgeting. This issue includes the extension of forestry programme in all kind of wastelands and marginal farmlands. It also includes the programme of certain of plantation forests through wasteland reclamation, afforestation, and promotion of agroforestry. Essay 5. Forest Conservation Initiatives Taken up by Indian Government : Forestry is a concurrent subject in the Indian Constitution, being under the purview of both the central and state governments. The first forest policy of India was enunciated in which focused on commercial exploitation of timber and gave importance to permanent cultivation.

This was revised in and a new forest policy recognized the protective role of forests and proposed that one-third of the land area of the country be retained under forest and tree cover. It was only in that a shift in policy occurred when the Government of India adopted the National Forest Policy NFP , , recognizing the rights of the people over forests. The Government of India in with support from the United Nations Development Programme UNDP and the Food and Agricultural Organization FAO , prepared the National Forestry Action Programme NFAP.

It is a comprehensive work plan for sustainable development of forests in India. The Biological Diversity Act, , aims to protect the biological resources of the country, and thus, addresses forest ecology in its totality. The 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution, , makes it mandatory for all states to decentralize governance through a three-tier structure, viz. the state, district, and local bodies called Panchayati Raj institutions. Among the 29 functions recommended for decentralization, three relate to forestry, i.

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