Reach of Louisville, SIG, It is reported that study findings have demonstrated that the most benefit from counseling and treatment for substance abuse is that which elderly people "may derive most refutation essay from Berkeley, like Locke, believes that it is only through sensation or experience that we can attain any knowledge about the world around us. Turning to dreams, al-Ghazaali illustrates that wakefulness is simply a higher consciousness of the dream state, refutation essay. References Gutek, refutation essay, G. They just put stress on the main points which you should develop carefully. The secret is to pretend there's no hurry at all.
What is an example of refutation?
In academic writing, refutation essay, we often use an Argument essay structure. Argument essays have these familiar components, just like other types of essays:. Imagine that you are writing about vaping. After reading several articles and talking with friends about vaping, you decide refutation essay you are strongly opposed to it. Vaping should be illegal because it can lead to serious health problems. Because the first option provides a debatable position, refutation essay, it is a better starting point for an Argument essay. Next, you would need to draft several paragraphs to explain your position. If you have a personal story about the effects of vaping, you might include that as well, either in a Body Paragraph or in your Introduction, as an appeal to pathos.
A strong Argument essay would not be complete with only your reasons in support of your position. You should also include a Counterargument, refutation essay, which will show your readers that you have carefully researched and considered both sides of your topic. This shows that you are taking a measured, scholarly approach to the topic — not an overly-emotional approach, or an approach which considers only one side. This helps to establish your ethos as the author. Your paragraph would then go on to explain more about this position; you would give evidence here from your research about the point of view that opposes your own opinion. Your paragraph would then continue your Refutation by explaining more reasons why the Counterargument is weak.
This also serves to explain why your original Argument is strong. This is a good refutation essay to prove to your readers that your original Argument is the most worthy, and to persuade them to agree with you, refutation essay. ENGLISH Academic Advanced Writing by Nancy Hutchison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Skip to content In academic writing, we often use an Argument essay structure. Which working thesis statement would be better? Many students do not like vaping. Here are some ways to introduce a Counterargument: Some people believe that vaping is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes.
Critics argue that vaping is safer than conventional cigarettes. On the other hand, one study has shown that vaping can help people quit smoking cigarettes. Note: if you are having trouble finding a Counterargument, take another look at your thesis statement. Is it debatable? If so, then there will be a Counterargument, refutation essay. If not, perhaps your thesis is just stating an obvious fact or uncontroversial idea. In that case, try doing some more research on your topic, and then revise your thesis. Examine the following thesis statements with a partner. Is each one debatable? Write your own Counterargument, Concession, and Refutation for each thesis statement. Thesis Statements: Vaping refutation essay be illegal because it can lead to serious health problems.
Online classes are a better option than face-to-face classes for college students who have full-time jobs. Students who engage in cyberbullying should be expelled from school. Unvaccinated children pose risks to those around them. Governments should be allowed refutation essay regulate internet access within their countries. Is this chapter: …too easy, or refutation essay would like more detail? Note: links open in new tabs. moral character, credibility, refutation essay, trust, authority. goes against; believes the opposite of something, refutation essay. Previous: Conclusions. License ENGLISH Academic Advanced Writing by Nancy Hutchison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.
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Reardon echoes this interpretation: "Hooker sets out to refute the puritan contention that in religion holy scripture affords the sole and absolute authority and rule" p. Hooker shows that the narrow principle of sola scriptura "disregards the larger context of the divine law in creation within which even the scriptural revelation must be placed if we are to understand its proper scope and purpose" Reardon, , p. Not far from the Reformers, they upheld the idea that the directly inspired written word contains supernatural revelation. There is perhaps less emphasis on preaching and proclamation in the Anglicans than in the Reformers.
What is the status of the creeds and traditions? In Anglicanism, the Nicene, the Athanasius, and the Apostle's creeds are stressed as true because they are taken…. Although "peace" appears in the speech as often as "United Nations," I am arguing that "United Nations" is the more primary of the two terms here, having precedence over "peace" since I believe that Bush is asking his listeners to focus on the formal authority of the United Nations as the font from which peace can be coaxed. Focusing on peace as the primary term would I believe make the speech sound more abstract and less strategic. Bush is not asking his listeners to agree that peace is a good thing.
He is asking them to acknowledge that in this particular place and time, only a unified front from the United Nations is sufficient to guarantee peace. The next reference to peace is again twinned with the idea of international alliance: Invasion has only occurred after "the 28 countries with forces in the Gulf area have exhausted all reasonable efforts…. The nationalism furthered by Hamas is a direct salvo against oppression and occupation. Its foundation is premised on blame and hatred of the "other. The efficacy of religion as an instrument of nationalist ideology can also be seen in the Islamist movement. While lacking a state, there is still clearly an Arab nation which coheres to a distaste of foreign influence.
The Al-Qaeda organization seems to be premised on exactly this, with Osama Bin Laden's impetus being derived from a scorn of Western presence in Saudi Arabia, and moreover, the Muslim world. Religion, here, is used to offer succor. It is analogous to the comfort provided in pre-War Germany of through the idea of a superior kultur. Muslim communities scattered about the…. If the villain of Oliver Twist is the meta-character of urban setting, then the protagonist must be the meta-character of country setting, of which Oliver is as much a chief as Fagin is of the urban setting. The principle characteristic of the country setting is its goodness, in direct opposition to the corruption of the urban setting.
The incorruptible goodness, which Oliver bears, is that which permits him to remain unchanged and moral despite his deep immersion in the urban setting. In many ways Oliver Twist might be read as a refutation of Dickens's contemporary, Leo Tolstoy, who asserted that destiny is the product of historical forces driving each from his birthing station to an unavoidable end. Oliver Twist, rather, presumes that despite the terrible circumstances in which Oliver is reared, goodness prevails in his character and actions. So can we read the character of Nancy, who though corrupted by…. Researchers at Cornell University discovered that Monarch butterfly caterpillars died when they ate plants dusted with the pollen of Bt corn that was growing in nearby fields, and many scientists worry that with so much insecticide in the corn plants, insects might develop a resistance to it Dyer These fears and concerns are echoed by Francis Fukuyama who believes that genetic enhancement will undermine the system of human rights by disrupting the boundary that encloses all humans in a single group, thus believes society should limit genetic science to allow therapy but prohibit enhancement, such as genetically altered food crops, and non-therapeutic procedures Tobey In other words, enhancement will allow society to increase genotypic and phenotypic diversity, yet such diversity will press society to the point of losing its shared humanity Tobey Works Cited Adams, Wendy a.
Reconciling private benefit and public risk in…. Rhetorical Theory and Practice The purpose of this paper is to provide a confirmation as to why students should not receive their driver license until they have graduated from high school. It is my contention that it is not sensible to allow teens to obtain their driver license until they finish high school. Then, upon graduation, the individual will be eligible to receive and mature enough to be responsible driving an automobile. First Basis of Fact for Confirmation: Teens that are still in high school should not be allowed the burden of the responsibility that is entailed in holding a license to drive and further should not be allowed to drive without a parent or guardian in the vehicle.
It is true that maturity varies quite a bit at this point in an individuals life, and further females do tend to mature faster than their male counterparts, however, with the…. Speech by President Bush Prospective Deliberative Speech to the Republican National Convention in July, Directed on Television to the American Nation as a Whole Nods, smiles, acknowledges audience My fellow Americans, this November every one of you will be faced with a seemingly simple choice, but a choice that will affect this entire nation's future -- should you vote to change the current administration and vote democratic? Or should you vote Republican and stay the course this nation has followed over the past four years?
We have been through many difficult times together, you and I, my fellow Americans, over the course of my administration. Together, we have weathered a terrible attack on our nation's security, a devastating economic recession, and a just but sorry war against a brutal dictator. The war for our nation's security on all these fronts has yet to be won, but it will be won. The issue remains widely debatable, with some insisting the behavior in the jails need to be reevaluated yet some insist on the societal emphasis in curbing recidivism. The prison systems have also failed in reduction of recidivism through a failure to insist and implementation of programs that equip the inmates with the relevant and appropriate skills in lie with their interest and the environment from where they are.
The offenders who have professions of technical skills that allow them to make a living within the society in a comfortable manner are also highly likely to succeed on their probation than those without any professional training or technical skills to earn a living from. It is also note that those offenders who went through high school successfully and finished are more likely to succeed in the probation and avid recidivism even after the probation period. Once the convict is in the…. Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana was declared an illegal drug in the U. with the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act in under dubious circumstances. Since that time numerous studies have shown that the drug is less harmful than tobacco and alcohol.
Despite the available evidence and the enormous cost of enforcing the marijuana ban, it is hard to understand why this relatively harmless drug continues to remain illegal in the United States. This essay argues why marijuana should be decriminalized without further delay. Opponents of legalizing marijuana contend that it is a dangerous drug; this is far from the truth. For example, there has not been a single recorded case of death due to marijuana overdose. On the other hand, a legal intoxicant like alcohol results in the death of about 5, persons every year due to overdose. The reason for this is that the ratio of cannabinoids necessary for…. Kneen looks at agricultural genetic engineering and takes the view that because agricultural genetic engineering may help solve food shortage problems as well as enhance the environment, such activities should be looked at positively.
Kneen puts good arguments together to make his points, but also writes from a biased viewpoint, so his article should be used in conjunction with other writers who are not quite so biased. His claims that genetic engineering is the only way to increase production and reduce loss to pests seems like hyperbole. He looks to theology, not science, to determine how we should apply genetic knowledge. Morse, Allison. Morse explains the scope of the Human Genome Project, the extensive research project conducted by the U. Department of Energy and the Department…. The poor is stereotypically painted as haggard and lean and the wealthy CEO and so forth as fat and obese, for his very indolence and lack of sluggishness makes him so.
Personal counter argument To arrive at conclusions on any major issue, credible research must be conducted based on scientific, authoritative, empirical evidence. Such, too, must be done in this case and so, inquiring into reasons for the dramatic increase in obesity in America over the last few decades, empirical studies point to factors that include the following: an over-abundance of food availability in America's supermarkets and restaurants, particularly fast-food restaurants World Health Organization, ; the uncontrolled or unreasonable portion-sizes in America's restaurants ibid ; an increase in consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas and sweetend food Bray, ; and an over-abundance of high-fat food choices paired with a lack of palpable low-fat choices all of which may be more accessible to the….
While allowing an authoritarian voice to hold final sway over what is done may be least desirable, it may be necessary in a very spread-out group with many areas of expertise, or if the leader bears the brunt of the responsibility for the project and has greater knowledge of the different organizational factors involved. There is no single perfect formula for forming a cohesive group, making decisions, and arguing in a constructive manner. The only rule that does hold fast and firm, regardless of the composition and authority structure of the group, good listening skills are necessary, as well balanced consideration of all sides of a debate.
A healthy group, even a group dominated by a single leader, must not fall into groupthink, or create an environment where only a single opinion is considered valid, and dissent is not permitted. Works Cited Engleberg and Wynn. Working in groups: Communication principles…. Climate Change The world's ecological issues have been studied intensely by scientists in various academic disciplines vigorously for many years and have been greatly accelerated in recent decades. The level of understanding about how natural systems on the planet operate has become immensely sophisticated. Although there are still some issues that remain puzzling, on the whole, scientists have a fairly good understanding of the planets natural systems function.
In recent years much of the research has been aided the technological advancements in computing power which allows for modeling systems such as the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and land area use. In fact the knowledge base has grown to a point in which scientist can predict with some accuracy the future of how the natural systems will be affected through the natural changes in these systems coupled with the human interactions that work to alter many of these systems. Innovation in an Organization Is Easier Said Than Done Creativity and innovation are considered the sources of the competitive advantages for a company, as Higgins , p.
Therefore, presently, the management attention has focused primarily on how organizations generate creative ideas and carry out innovation projects successfully. However, majority of managers are finding that creativity and innovation in an organization is easier than said. They are finding that in practice the creative ideas and new development activities fail to achieve their anticipated level of success and some of these projects actually end into failure Belbin, , p. Therefore, the question arises what are the main factors that contribute to the failure of creativity and innovation in the companies.
The paper looks at some of these issues, including management roles, team management, and internal and…. Pro-Choice: The Abortion Issue -- A philosophical, as well as a legal issue of rights, responsibility, and the question of when life begins Just across the border, in the United States, one of the most symbolically significant issues in political life today is the issue of abortion. Abortion is often phrased as question of personal rights and liberties: as in, a woman has the personal right and freedom to do what she wishes with her own body. Abortion is also often phrased as an issue of when life begins -- as in, a fetus is not a human being, or the fetus is a human being.
Lastly, there is also another way to perhaps broach these two queries or ways of framing the difficult abortion debate, by stating that, even though when life begins is ambiguous, this should not require a woman, or any human being, to forcibly surrender her…. passing of the civil rights protection of homosexuals. This paper presents the views and reasons of the people who oppose the passing of this act. This paper then demonstrates the importance of the passing of this act and how it would benefit the society at large. The paper also highlights certain quotes to support its claim.
Civil Rights Protection of Homosexuals Human beings claim to represent a society that is not only civilized but also just in its ways. When we as humans can fight for animal's rights, than we can certainly work for the civil rights protection of the homosexuals, who still belong to the category of human beings. Discrimination on the basis of race, class and sexual orientation must be eliminated as much as possible. Man, a creature of God has not been given the liberty to judge between right and wrong. As the bible has said, "There…. Policy Advisement on Efficacy of Nation Building in Iraq Dear Mr.
President and Mr. Secretary of State, After a decade to examine the consequences of America's decision to invade Iraq -- and engage in a massive nation building effort after successfully ousting the brutal Baath Party dictatorship of Saddam Hussein -- it has become abundantly clear that a war fought under false pretenses can never be productive in a geopolitical sense. This is why the administration's current commitment to a…. Death Penalty Having a death penalty in the United States doesn't make sense. We are the only civilized Western nation that still has it Clark et al. Other nations consider the death penalty immoral and opposed to democratic principles because it allows the government to kill citizens, which violates fundamental human rights and increases the likelihood of tyranny.
As a punishment for crime, the death penalty cannot be administered fairly or impartially in our criminal justice system "Innocence and the Death Penalty," Some of the people who get executed are innocent Hall, From a practical standpoint, the death penalty is an expensive and ineffective way to control crime Sherrill, The death penalty should be abolished in the United States. We did not always have the death penalty. During the s and early s most Americans were against capital punishment and those in favor of it were…. against the idea of legalizing gambling in the town of Youngstown, Ohio. The writer takes the reader on a short history of the town and exposes the gangster activity that has always thrived within the town.
The writer uses this as a springboard to argue that gambling becoming legal would only encourage a repeat of such mob activity. There were four sources used to complete this paper. LET's NOT REPEAT HISTORY As the residents of Youngstown debate the issue of legalized gambling, there are many forces being exerted on both sides of the issue. Youngstown, Ohio has been economically deprived for some time and the city government as well as community advocates are scrambling to re-vitalize the area. When advocates of legalized gambling look at cities across the nation who have allowed it, they see improved economics through jobs and tourism as well as money for the school system being….
Proposals for action "must first convince the audience that a problem exists and make the audience want action. Often, these arguments consider ethical situations: if the situation is wrong, then the solution must make it right" "Writing Tip Alexander identifies his men as the cause of being able to claim so many cities; "through your courage and endurance you have gained possession of Ionia, the Hellespont, both Phrygias, Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, Lydia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, Phoenicia, and Egypt; the Greek part of Libya is now yours, together with much of Arabia, lowland Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Susia; Persia and Media with all the territories either formerly controlled by them or not are in your hands; you have made yourselves masters of the lands beyond the Caspian Gates" Arrian.
He evaluates the probability of success in future endeavors, and also the possible consequences of failing to continue; "But if you turn…. A takings law permits undercompensation whenever the reserve value of the property owner exceeds market price. Second, many important compensation doctrines require courts specifically to ignore different kinds of value lost to owners of taken property, such as goodwill. Village of Hoffman Estates: Compensation in the constitutional sense is not full compensation, for market value is not the value that every owner of property attaches to his property but merely the value that the marginal owner attaches to his property.
While it may seem our culture is concerned only with capitalism and the gain of economic surplus Bell, there are many real reasons young teenagers ask for surgery. Parents, unlike children, may often offer a more objective vantage from which surgery, even elective surgery, can be scrutinized Adams, Parents have the ability to ask the cosmetic surgeon whether they think a procedure will be necessary or whether a child should seek psychological counseling prior to surgery to ensure their reasons for surgery are appropriate and not the result of a psychological disorder Adams 5.
When parents provide consent, they take on the responsibility to ensure their child's care is handled in the best way possible. They are capable of picking the surgeons brains; they are capable of understanding the side-effects of most surgeries; they know how to evaluate a doctor's credentials to ensure his practices are ethical, honest…. However, many times, viewing an object in relation to other objects does indeed transcend the permanence of the meaning and create new meaning. Therefore, our knowledge of what we are convinced is real can change, which highlights the question of whether or not our original knowledge was real before it changed; or if knowledge can ever be real.
Socrates posed these questions initially, pondering the ability to agree that something "is" no matter what it might eventually be or not be. Brumbaugh thus presents the following three principles that comprise this argument: "1. We only contact these objects through subjective images. We never perceive them directly. These objects contain a number of properties that are mixed together. Any description of the object that doesn't separate out these properties cannot explain what makes the object act the way it does. Drive 55" isn't just a song; it's the truth.
Drivers in Oregon need a higher speed limit on major freeways to encourage a more natural flow of traffic. Raising the speed limit to 75 miles per hour is not going to create more hazardous roads. In fact, raising the speed limit to 75 mph would encourage a more natural and therefore safer flow of traffic in the left-hand lanes of major state freeways. Real road hazards include distractions like texting while driving, or impairment like sleepiness or intoxication. These are the issues law enforcement should concern itself with, leaving alone those who drive 75 mph. For a long time, speed limits have been associated with highway safety with the assumption that slower is safer.
While it is certain that reckless driving is a public safety hazard, speed itself is not. Raising the Oregon freeway speed limit to 75 mph will…. Global Culture I find the idea that the world is becoming homogenized to American culture to be parochial, offensive and ill-formed, the product surely of American thinking. Nobody from any other culture would see the world in that light, because they are actually informed about the non-American world. Writers arguing in favor of the idea that the world is becoming homogenized to American culture are laughably ill-informed.
They make heroic errors in judgment in their arguments. The reality that there is some evidence of globalization, but only in the most superficial ways has this actually made its influence. Consider a moment the supposition that food and entertainment are changing -- not only is this a great leap but food and entertainment are rather superficial when one considers the depth and breadth of individual cultures. The first thing to point out is that culture runs rich and deep. America is an…. American Culture Writers such as Pico Iyer, Richard Pells, and Joseph Nye are in fact correct that the world culture has not and will not be Americanized.
These writers are correct in asserting that American culture is ever forceful, but still America remains just one influence in a multicultural world: a manifestation of globalization. With such a supreme focus on America, it can seem like America is the dominant force; however, this is just a result of a skewed perspective. It is true that other cultures have also spread outwards and that local cultures cannot and will not be destroyed. The phenomenon of culture shock is direct evidence of the fact that American culture is not as pervasive as many people would like to assert that it is.
As centers for study abroad programs in various universities explain, culture shock is a logical reaction to the body and mind in…. Americanized Cultures Is the world becoming ineluctably American? This anxious thought has taken off and occasioned substantial discussion in the twenty-first century. But in some sense, asking the question betrays a species of anti-Americanism already. I hope by examining the arguments of three writers who claim that Americanization is rampant and unstoppable -- Mark Rice-Oxley, Vicente Verdu, and Brendon O'Connor -- to show that their anxiety is overstated. Their concerns about America's present military and cultural ubiquity should be contextualized within history itself. Mark Rice-Oxley's view of Americanization is largely cultural.
He notes that "as the unrivaled global superpower, America exports its culture on an unprecedented scale. From music to media, film to fast food, language to literature and sport, the American idea is spreading inexorably, not unlike the influence of empires that preceded it" Rice-Oxley Yet there are a number of assumptions underlying this view of encroaching Americanization…. technology a field study choice. The impact mobile devices cybersecurity Courses fulfill General Education Requirements GERs UMUC a common theme -- technological transformations. The preferred device for browsing the web, making purchases, using social media, and emailing is the smartphone. Many people find it is easier to carry a smartphone due to its size.
A breeding ground for cyber attacks has resulted from the popularity of mobile devices. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have no security software that protects the data held within the device. Mobile devices do not contain the traditional security software like antivirus, encryption, and firewalls found in personal computers. According to Wright, Dawson Jr. In the corporate environment, almost all employees use mobile devices. These devices provide…. tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money ~ Cree Indian Proverb Lebanon is home to some of the most famous forests, with Mount Lebanon's Cedars mentioned in the Old Testament numerous times.
For millennia these trees have been planted and replanted, preserving the history within the land. However in recent times, the ancient forests of Lebanon have been cut down for fuel to heat the homes of impoverished Lebanese. For millennia, the trees on Mount Lebanon have been, over time, depleted in order to make houses, boats, etc. due to the high quality of the Cedars. Even with ancient Roman and modern WWF and AFDC conservation attempts at controlling the level of deforestation, there are still various situations that promote the continuance of deforestation: frequent forest fires, exploitation, unregulated tourism, and overgrazing.
The beauty of…. freshman college students do not have the option to live off campus. Instead, they are forced to live in dorms the first year. For many students, however, the cons of on-campus far outweigh the benefits. Financial motivations, the ability to study, lifestyle choices, and roommate compatibility are some of the many reasons why freshmen should have the right to choose their housing situation. Many financially challenged students may find it more affordable to live off campus. They can reduce their housing expenses by living with relatives or friends, finding an apartment to share with several roommates or renting out a cheap room. Students burdened by financial issues should not be restricted in their options to make college more affordable.
For many freshmen, the dorm does not provide an ideal study and work environment. They find the dorms too noisy and the presence of a roommate in a small space too…. Personal Definition of the word "Hero" Hero According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a hero is "a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage or outstanding achievements, the chief male character in a book, play, or film, or in mythology and folklore a person of superhuman qualities. According to author John Ayto in his book Dictionary of Word Origins, the word hero was applied in ancient times to men of superhuman ability or courage. The definition and connotations of the label have changed over the centuries. There is no longer a need for super powers to be considered a hero.
My personal definition of the word requires that the person who is labeled a hero, not acquire the honor accidentally. This writer defines the word hero as a person who, through intent, goes beyond consideration for him or herself to further the cause of another, whether this…. Iraq War-Justification So much has already been said about Iraq War and the grave error that United States made by invading Iraq that it seems absurd to even suggest that this war was justified. But we must not ignore both sides of the coin. We have already discussed the anti-war arguments and have come to believe that serious judgment errors were made when United States, Britain and Australia agreed to launch military attacks against Iraq.
Its now high time we looked deeper into some of the reasons Iraq was invaded to decide for ourselves whether our government did the right thing or not. To start with, let us consider the scene in Iraq had the war not been launched. Saddam Hussein would still be the President, ruling the country with an iron hand and simply stopping at nothing. He took pride in not paying any heed to international codes and…. film "blade runner" and will highlight the different tests which were performed in it, it will further distinguish between humans and replicants and will emphasize the tests performed and the variability of the tests on the humans as well as on the replicants. The paper will further analyze the theory of mind and bring forth various other discussions.
Blade runner The concept of reality has always been a strange one, being the invention of the human mind, but it seems as if our creation is beginning to come apart at the seams in these so called 'postmodern' times. In this notional 'postmodern' world, which we presently inhabit, the notion of 'reality', or rather how our minds perceive it, is a particular cause for concern. If one stops to look about for just a moment it is very easy to find forms of 'simulacra', which we consider to be 'real'. War in Iraq Should we have gone to war with Iraq based on the reasons given at the time the war started?
When we went to war with Iraq, Bush gave three reasons for doing so. First, he claimed that Saddam Hussein had ties to al-Qaeda Richelson, p. Secondly, he said that Saddam Hussein at the very minimum was attempting to acquire nuclear weapons and in fact might have already gotten them. Third, he claimed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction WMD. Of the three claims, the third one regarding WMD was instantly believable, because American news had been full of pictures of dead Kurds, citizens of Iraq, killed with Iraq's chemical weapons. Hussein had used WMD's in the past on his own citizens, and so it seemed likely that he could easily use them on people he regarded as enemies of his country.
In addition,…. Iraq The American public is misleaded concerning the war in Iraq. Americans believe that the war is for freedom, , and the good of the Iraqi people. Americans are misled. What is the war really about? The war is not about terrorism, freedom, WMD's or the "people. Experts agree that the war is a bad idea. Clarke and Leverett give opinions on why the war is a bad idea. The Iraq war is compared to an insufficient dose of penicillin. What's so wrong with attacking Iraq? There are no WMD's, the main justification is gone. One cannot clean one's kitchen by cleaning the living room.
So what's the big deal? Skip to content In academic writing, we often use an Argument essay structure. Which working thesis statement would be better? Many students do not like vaping. Here are some ways to introduce a Counterargument: Some people believe that vaping is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes. Critics argue that vaping is safer than conventional cigarettes. On the other hand, one study has shown that vaping can help people quit smoking cigarettes. Note: if you are having trouble finding a Counterargument, take another look at your thesis statement.
Is it debatable? If so, then there will be a Counterargument. If not, perhaps your thesis is just stating an obvious fact or uncontroversial idea. In that case, try doing some more research on your topic, and then revise your thesis. Examine the following thesis statements with a partner. Is each one debatable? Write your own Counterargument, Concession, and Refutation for each thesis statement. Thesis Statements: Vaping should be illegal because it can lead to serious health problems. Online classes are a better option than face-to-face classes for college students who have full-time jobs.
Students who engage in cyberbullying should be expelled from school. Unvaccinated children pose risks to those around them. Governments should be allowed to regulate internet access within their countries. Is this chapter: …too easy, or you would like more detail? Note: links open in new tabs.
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