Save my name, email, and website patriotism essay this browser for the next time I comment. Patriot Act Patriotism. History of Patriotism Introduction Patriotism must be embraced by all levels of society, especially the younger generation. We have such a sense of solidarity with other people, patriotism essay. In the past, especially during the British reign, many people came forward to instill a sense of patriotism among their fellow countrymen, patriotism essay. Those who are true patriots work towards building their nation in whichever way they can.
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Patriotism is the feeling of love and respect of your country, its history and traditions, patriotism essay. The people who do not love their native country and have no idea about its patriotism essay and history are not able to be called the people of this country, they are the simple citizens, who just live on its territory. Patriotism is the major factor, patriotism essay, which makes people create the human history, works hard, fight and die for their country. Without this factor there would be no wars, dignity patriotism essay courage. When the aggressor tries to invade the country, it can simple capitulate, but it does not, because there are people who want to see their country independent, patriotism essay, flourishing and rich. No one enjoys when the stranger comes into his house and starts to set his own rules.
The same thing is the country. If the invader starts to dictate with will, people start to protect their homes and the whole patriotism essay with the purpose to maintain its identity and uniqueness. Patriotism is the respect of the native history. It is natural and essential to be aware about the most important facts of the history of your country, because you learn many new and patriotism essay facts about the average people, their lifestyle, the patriotism essay and success and you start to realize how much does it cost to make the country prosperous, stable and convenient for life. Patriotism is not the love towards the territory of the country, it is the love towards the traditions and people who live on this territory, so it is important to have patriotic feeling in order to show the respect towards the ones who have contributed into the development of the country and its current peaceful condition.
It is a positive thing that patriotism is propagated since patriotism essay, because children are the patriotism essay of every country and if they love this country, they would strive to improve it further, patriotism essay. Patriotism is not the humiliation of other countries and ethnicities; it is a natural love and respect towards the native country and this attitude should exist in everyone if he wants his country to be prosperous and esteemed. If you need a high-quality customized essay on Patriotism topics written from scratch, you can easily hire professional academic writers online:. Click here to read more patriotism essay custom essays here!
Patriotism is love for country. It is a powerfull centriment and is wholly unselfish noble. It patriot puts his country first. His patriotism essay gives him courage and strength. وہ کیسی عورتیں تھیں؟؟ جو گیلی لکڑیوں کو پھونک کر چولہا جلاتی تھیں جو سل پر سرخ مرچیں پیس کر سالن پکاتی تھیں صبح سے شام تک مصروف، لیکن مسکراتی تھیں. بھری دوپہر میں سر اپنا ڈھک کر ملنے آتی تھیں جو پنکھے ہاتھ کےجھلتی تھیں اور پھر بھی تھک نہ پاتی تھیں جو دروازے پہ رک کر دیر تک رسمیں نبھاتی تھیں, patriotism essay. پلنگوں پر نفاست سے دری چادر بچھاتی تھیں بصد اصرار مہمانوں کو سرہانے بٹھاتی تھیں اگر گرمی زیادہ ہو تو روح افزا پلاتی تھیں.
جو اپنی بیٹیوں کو سوئیٹر بننا سکھاتی تھیں سلائی کی مشینوں پر کڑے روزے بتاتی تھیں بڑی پلیٹوں میں جو افطار کے حصّے بناتی تھیں. جو کلمےکاڑھ کر لکڑی کے فریموں میں سجاتی تھیں دعائیں پھونک کر بچوں کو بستر پر سلاتی تھیں اور اپنی جائے نمازیں موڑ کر تکیہ لگاتی تھیں. کوئی سائل جو دستک دے اسے کھانا کھلاتی تھیں پڑوسن مانگ لے کچھ، باخوشی دیتی دلاتی تھیں جو رشتوں کو برتنے کے کئی نسخے بتاتی تھیں. محلے میں کوئی مر جائے تو آنسو بہاتی تھیں کوئی بیمار پڑ جائے تو اس کے پاس جاتی تھیں کوئی تہوار ہو تو خوب مل جل کر patriotism essay تھیں, patriotism essay.
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You should add quotations to the essay to add to its beauty otherwise good essay. Add some research work and give examples of national heros and their patriotic actions …. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Next Post Next The Probable Secret of Success Essay.
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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. Writing essays on patriotism should be fun. Being a patriot requires a lot of bravery and sometimes being a shoulder to lean on when fellow citizens are in need. The interesting thing about patriotism is that you can create an outline relating to your own experiences. It is a chance to tell people why you think you are a patriot and offer inspirations in the conclusion. Want to check a good example? Rest assured that our papers are written from scratch. Read more. Nation-building Process words 5 Pages. The process of nation-building is an effort to develop the spirit of patriotism and solidarity to create a country whose people share a common identity. The major aim is to foster national unity by developing a new nation and an integrated race Hippler, Nation Building National Identity Patriotism.
Support Your Troops, Grow Some Roots During World War II the United States government as well as many other governments around the world commissioned and produced propaganda to encourage citizen support for the war effort. Flag of the United States, United States, United States Congress, United States Constitution. I deduce Patriotism is a special word that could not be forgotten. The power of persuasion is a daunting thing. Everyday we are exposed to persuasive materials such as commercials, magazines, and billboards. Moreover, for centuries, political figures have been shaping the mind of the public into seeing things through their eyes. Great country, Huge part of patriotism, Omplete patriotism, United States. Some people will argue that it is blind and everlasting love and support for Patriotism is on the decline in America.
Veterans have sacrificed A country full of patriots definitely makes a place better than one where people are fighting each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues. In a place where people have collective interests and the mission will definitely be less conflicting. Nation-building: When everyone is dedicated to making the nation strong in every aspect, there is no way that the country will not develop. Maintaining peace and harmony: A good nation is one where peace and harmony is maintained at all times. People have a sense of brotherhood and help and support each other, the spirit of patriotism is known to promote a sense of brotherhood among a countryman. Working for a common goal: Patriots work for a common goal and this is for the betterment of their country.
If everyone has a sense of patriotism and does not think about their personal interest, the country will definitely benefit. There should not be corruption: If political leaders have a sense of patriotism, they will work contrary to the current scenario for the country, where those in power are busy making money for themselves instead of working for the upliftment of the country. Similarly, if government officials and other citizens of the country are determined to serve the nation instead of making quick money or receiving quick services for themselves, the level of corruption will be erased. Patriotism should not be develop in a college: being a patriot is a great quality, we should love our country and respect it.
The positive points of the above patriotic spirit show how it can help the country to prosper and develop. However, some people take this love for their country to the next level, true love for a country and believing that your country is superior and important is called truism. Various beliefs in the ideologies of our country and irrational beliefs in the superiority of its people create feelings of hatred towards others. There have been many instances in the past where disorder has turned unnecessary conflicts into riots. There is a very reedy line between patriotism and anarchism.
While patriotism is healthy, conservatism is stingy and irrational. A person who is willing to sacrifice his interests for his country is entitled to a salute, every country in the world needs more and more people who possess this spirit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. India's current Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been a big inspiration for many people. Narendra Modi is one of the best Prime Ministers of India, therefore many people respect their ideologies. Home Essay speeches Slogans FAQ. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Leave this field empty. By this time, the sense of patriotism seemed to overtake the whole country.
Such an environment needs to be developed not only on these crucial dates but also in general. A nation in which the youth love this country and are motivated to socially and economically change its condition will have a better chance of growing and developing. For our country, we should have respect, affection, and a sense of community, and at the same time, we should not hate certain countries. To prevent the conflicts here between two nations from breaking out, we not only should love our country and also have reverence for other countries.
Our flag was not only a piece of cloth with colors on it, although it is a symbol of pride, liberty, devotion, and is colored by the blood of those that have died in protection. And so when a person realizes they can become a true patriot, they encourage those behind him to work to create a powerful, better, and prosperous country. He seems to be a true patriot that can give away his career and everything for his country. A nationalist puts the importance of the land before his own. He is trying to lead people to such a proper way of living. He was kind, compassionate, genuine, and honest.
But certain false patriots do exist. They were men of neither faith nor character. They were selfish. We live on our own in such a small world.
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