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Essays on schizophrenia

Essays on schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Research Paper Published by gudwriter on June 23, June 23, essays on schizophrenia, Bibliography IvyPanda. Characteristically, cognitive symptoms are decidedly hard to recognize- the symptoms can only be ascertained through carrying out tests on the suspected victim. GET WRITING HELP. A call essays on schizophrenia a moral treatment for mentally ill people was made by Physician Phillippe Pinel who opined that social and psychological stressors could be the cause of mental illness.

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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay, essays on schizophrenia. Topic: PsychologyVictimologyTreatmentCriminal JusticeCrimeSexual AbuseSchizophreniaDiscrimination. With a prevalence of about one percent in America and an equal sex ratio, Schizophrenia subjects its essays on schizophrenia to a state of hearing voices not perceptible by the ears of other people around them Haycock and Shaya In most cases, the victims apart from envisioning harm plotted against them by others, believe that other people are reading or controlling their minds or thoughts warranting the victims fearfully agitated and staggeringly withdrawn NIMH 2; Haycock and Shaya Characterized by a number of recognizable symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions Beck, Rector, Stolar and GrantSchizophrenia is a treatable disease of the mind is, at times, not manifested in its victims until essays on schizophrenia speak out of what they are feeling.

The causation of schizophrenia has for a long time believed to be multifaceted NIMH 6, essays on schizophrenia. The principal causes of schizophrenia are genes, environment, and structure and chemistry of the brain NIMH 6. Genes, though not yet aptly proven, have an extraordinarily strong linkage to incidences of schizophrenia Haycock and Shaya Again, scientists have not been able to pin point specific genes responsible for the causation of schizophrenia. It is only known that schizophrenic parents expose their children to the risk of suffering from schizophrenia. Environmental factors such as malnutrition before birth and birth problems are possible causes of schizophrenia NIMH 7. The U. National Institute of Mental Health categorizes schizophrenic essays on schizophrenia into three broad categories; cognitive symptoms, positive symptoms and negative symptoms NIMH 2.

Characteristically, cognitive symptoms are decidedly hard to recognize- the symptoms can only be ascertained through carrying out tests on the suspected victim. Cognitive symptoms encompass indicants like wretched executive functioning particularly with regards to one ability to understand informationdifficulty in paying attention, as well as trouble applying learned information in solving day to day problems NIMH 4. On the other hand, essays on schizophrenia, positive symptoms are overly related to psychotic essays on schizophrenia indiscernible in healthy individuals. As noted by NIMH, schizophrenia patients a prone to hallucinations; behavior that can go for a long time before being noticed by the people around these patients NIMH 2; Haycock and Shaya According to Haycock and Shaya, the victims predominately experience two types of hallucinations; hypnagogic and hypnopompic with the overriding difference between these two types of hallucinations being that they are experienced while the victim is a sleep and while waking up respectively Again, as mentioned earlier, the victims oft experience delusions presented as beliefs that other people a platting evil against them.

Conspicuous unconventional exhibition of delusion involves the conception that other people are controlling them using magnetic waves. Negative symptoms according to NIMH pertains to the disruption of the normal emotional functioning of the victims of schizophrenia 3. Because of the close relationship between negative symptoms and depression and other related conditions, deciding that as person exhibiting these symptoms is suffering from schizophrenia is extremely hard without the help of diagnostic tests. Negative symptoms come in the form of keeping quiet for long periods and avoidance of conversations, flat face, apathy, essays on schizophrenia lack of ability to maintain daily activities NIHM 4.

There are a number of treatment models in existence to aid in the melioration of schizophrenia. The use of antipsychotic drugs is perhaps the most commonly espoused mode of treatment of schizophrenia. However, it is notable that patients respond to antipsychotic drugs differently hence rendering this method rather trial and error Haycock and Shaya Antipsychotic drugs, for instance haloperidol, essays on schizophrenia, essays on schizophrenia and mesoridazine Haycock and Shaya ; Beck, Rector, Stolar and Grant 18; Noll 15are possible candidates for this mode of treatment.

The antipsychotic drugs essentially suppress the symptoms of schizophrenia hence allowing the patients time to thinks of the best cause of action. Therapeutic treatment models conventionally known as psychosocial treatments methods are also utile in the treatment of schizophrenia. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one method of psychosocial treatment methods that works to equip the patient with the ability to test the reality of their thoughts NIMH Insulin coma or shock therapy excogitated by Manfred Joshua Sakel in the s is yet another possible treatment method for schizophrenia.

The therapy draws essays on schizophrenia relevance in the treatment of schizophrenia from the ability of insulin to lowers the blood sugar level hence depriving the brain of the much-needed energy required for its normal functioning Haycock and Shaya Further, Haycock and Shaya present that that lobotomy was a possible melioration method for schizophrenia but was quick to be disapproved on grounds that it was only leading to brain damage rather than treat schizophrenia It is worth noting that currently there are mostly antipsychotic drug based. However, recently U, essays on schizophrenia. enacted a policy that governs the prescription of antipsychotic drugs. The law requires that medical practitioners seek authorization before prescribing new antipsychotic drug to their patients.

Beck, Aaron T. Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research, and Therapy. New York, NY: The Guilford Press, Haycock, Dean A. The Everything Health Guide to Schizophrenia. Avon: Adams Media Inc. The Nice Guideline on Core Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Adults in Primary and Secondary. The British Psychological Society and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, essays on schizophrenia, National Institute of Mental Health NIMH. Department of Health And Human Services, Noll, Richard. The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. New York: Fact On File Inc. We accept sample papers from essays on schizophrenia via the submission form.

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This paper looks into schizophrenia, which is caused by various factors either jointly or independently. It discusses the symptoms of the disorder, the cause, and the impact it has on both the individual suffering from it and the people surrounding the victim, both within and outside the family unit. The word schizophrenia is derived from two Greek words, viz. Being a disorder that occurs as a combination of various other disorders, schizophrenia is defined through its characteristic elements. The American Psychiatric Association has set out a criterion for the determination of the disorder.

According to the manual, in order to be diagnosed with the disorder, a person must have:. Given that different people suffering from the disorder bare unique symptoms from one another coupled with the variation of the symptoms that each of the individuals encounters with the progression of the disorder, a diagnosis on the disorder is made based on observation of behavior and experiences reported to the psychologist concerning an individual. Some of the known causes of the disorder include genetic factors, environmental factors, drug, and substance abuse. The main course of treatment involves the use of anti-psychotic medication coupled with social rehabilitation through the attendance of individual therapy sessions as well as support groups.

In cases where the disorder advances to such great lengths that the individuals pose danger to themselves and the public in general, involuntary hospitalization is the method of choice, though it is usually used as a last resort. Treatment of the disorder, as is the case with every other disease and disorder, at its earliest point of detection does go a long way in easing the recovery process. The disorder has a myriad of effects to the individual and the immediate family, as well as the public. They also suffer from disconnection in the train of thought when discussing issues, lack of long-term memory, low attention spans, poor communication skills, and display a lack in cognitive processes such as planning and problem solving.

This aspect usually results to long-term job loss and consequently depression and irritability. Such individuals become withdrawn, thus keeping to themselves most of the time. Living with such a person within the family unit can be frustrating, as although the person suffers an inability to display affection, it does not necessarily mean that he or she does not need it Broom et al. On the other hand, it is difficult for family members to show their affection to a person who is withdrawn and emotionally detached as it is innate to expect reciprocation when affection is given.

Stigma is also common toward people with schizophrenia, mainly because of ignorance and misinformation of what the disorder entails. Family members are sometimes compelled to hide the fact that one of them suffers from the disorder for fear that most people do not know the disorder as a medical condition, but rather as a personality disorder associated with heinous behavior such as serial killing. Family members also may not know the proper way to explain the intricacies of the disorder, as they are hard to understand even for the family members, as the symptoms keep changing as the disorder graduates. It is hard for a person with schizophrenia to hide its symptoms because they do not think that they suffer from it.

The effect of this element is that it is hard for people to associate with a person who does not readily accept help as he or she does not think it is necessary. The victims may also take this move as negative criticism of their abilities to conduct normal activities, which leads to resentment and withdrawal. This kind of frustration may lead to the individual contemplating and even in some cases attempting suicide. It could also lead to crimes such as murder, with the schizophrenic person justifying this action as a way of punishing people whom he or she thinks are to blame for the problems he or she faces. Emotional dissociation means that a person is unable to convey emotions, whether verbally or by any other means, and as a characteristic symptom of schizophrenia, it causes the victim to keep emotions, good or bad, bottled up inside.

It is also characteristic of schizophrenics to suffer from an inability to experience pleasure, mainly due to their paranoid delusions of persecution. The combination of these two characteristics is dangerous mainly due to the ways these individuals resort to as means of releasing the bottled up emotions. Most of them result to drug abuse and alcoholism Perala et al. Although prevention would go a long way in alleviating the disorder, it is not a possibility yet, for the first symptoms of the disorder are not discernible, as they resemble symptoms of normal factors such as stress.

The symptoms can be singled out as specific to schizophrenia only at advanced stages. The participation of family members in the rehabilitation forums and consequently the recovery process is essential to both the family and the suffering individual. This was because it was believed that mentally ill people were being punished by God. The argument that mental illness was a natural state and not a punishment from God or possession by the devil was written in De praestigiis daemonum by Johann Weyer in Effectively, this brought a stop in scientific research about mental illness during that time. Physicians began to use different methods of diagnosing and treating mental illnesses by late s. A call for a moral treatment for mentally ill people was made by Physician Phillippe Pinel who opined that social and psychological stressors could be the cause of mental illness.

Doctors and scientists started to differentiate mental illnesses during the last part of the s. Although it was not called schizophrenia at the time, the description and identification of this disorder as a distinct mental illness was done by Dr. Emile Kraepelin in Emile Kraepelin was the first person to classify mental disorders. He named it this way so that he could create a distinction between the disorder and dementia. He noted that mental deterioration symptoms that were the hallmarks of dementia were not often shown by patients with dementia praecox. He also noted that a person could suffer from schizophrenia either in their early or later life.

It was out of these reasons that he opined that the disorder deserved an own name for it was not a form of dementia hence the name schizophrenia Noll, Schizophrenia loosely means a mind that is split and thus describes the manner in which people with the disorder think fragmentally. Over the years, there have been various treatments of schizophrenia in line with what people believe causes the disease. For example, the treatment was to drive out spirits out of a person by drilling a hole into their skull when the belief was that the disorder was caused by possession by evil spirits. Alternatively, people were burned to death, starved, flogged, or exorcised if driving away the spirits was not successful. Lieberman, Stroup and Perkins note that a hypothesis was formulated by Hippocrates that it was an imbalance in the four bodily humors that caused madness and as such; rebalancing the humors was enough to cure it.

As per this hypothesis, the rebalancing was to be done through bloodletting, purgatives, and special diet. However, a patient would often die from bloodletting. The treatment of mental illness in the middle ages was religion whereby patients were encouraged to confess their sins to God because it was believed that they were serving a punishment from Him. However, these treatments did not cure the disease but rather just controlled behaviors of the patients. The first successful treatment of the symptoms of the disorder was done in the s through a medication known as Thorazine and since then, many more treatments have been developed.

There have been significant advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia over the past few decades. As pointed out by Noll , it has been possible to confirm that the disorder is a biological disease of the brain through molecular genetics and advanced imaging studies. There is however also an understanding that the illness could be associated with psychological factors and that its episodes could be triggered by social stressors. Currently, schizophrenia is most commonly and effectively treated with antipsychotic medications. In severe situations, patients may need to stay in hospital for as long as the episode lasts for their own safety as well as that of others. Recovery from symptoms may be enhanced through teaching skills and support groups in addition to medications.

According to Lieberman, Stroup and Perkins , the most effective treatment tool for schizophrenia has been medications. The antipsychotic medications help in controlling some symptoms by changing chemical balancing in the brain. Medications however attract side effects such as weight gain, tremors, slow movements, feeling tired, restlessness, and dizziness. It is possible to manage some side effects and therefore patients should not shy away from treatments due to side effects. A serious side effect that emanates from the use of antipsychotic medications is tardive dyskinesia, a long-term movement disorder. It commonly affects the mouth and causes uncontrollable movements. If other medications are unsuccessful, Clozapine which is the most effective medication is used in spite of having the strongest side effects.

This research paper has revealed that schizophrenia is so serious a mental disorder that if not well handled, can completely disrupt the life of a victim. Very early onset schizophrenia is when the symptoms affect a child under 13 years of age and is quite rare among the population. Children Psychosis Schizophrenia. Mental illness can affect anyone at any time, there are no immunity or vaccination for these issues, unlike some other physical illness and ailments in the medical field. The mental disorders we will focus on are brought on by things that are out of human Bipolar Disorder Mental Illness Schizophrenia. The movie Soloist was a based on a real story. As I go further into the essay I will be writing a brief summary of Schizophrenia The Soloist.

A Beautiful Mind is a movie that is based on the life of a schizophrenic math genius known as John Nash. This movie begins when he enters graduate school at Princeton to study mathematics where the early symptoms of schizophrenia begin to show and continue A Beautiful Mind Film Analysis Schizophrenia. The film A Beautiful Mind focuses on a brilliant, mathematician named John Nash, who shows himself as a person with an abnormal character, is very antisocial and is not easily distracted, is very applied and does not like people because of his poor social skills Abstract The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the overall psychopathology utilized in Donnie Darko.

These delusions and hallucinations affect how Donnie Darko Film Analysis Schizophrenia. She explained to me that she has noticed he has Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Psychosis Essays Breakdown Essays Childhood Obesity Essays Diabetes Essays Healthy Food Essays Junk Food Essays Obesity Essays Vaccination Essays Covid 19 Essays Nutrition Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Depression Stress Suicide ADHD Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Dyslexia Mental Illness Dissociative Identity Disorder Teenage Suicide. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need!

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