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Response essay thesis

Response essay thesis

This is why you will find here some ideas to start with, such as:. This idea is what the essay is about, and if your conclusion is good it will be made of this idea, response essay thesis. Examine the structure, the style, and the narration. because of the interesting female characters and the description of the life of the upper classes in 19th century England. It can be that you are choosing response essay thesis respond only partially, to a few of the ideas presented there, so this is the reason why it is important to clearly state the ideas of the article you want to respond to, response essay thesis. The way this works is that you tell half of a story or conversation in the introduction and then tell the rest of the story in the conclusion.

How to Write Your Introduction

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Introduction paragraphs : grab the reader's attention and state your subject and purpose. Conclusion paragraphs : give a final point and tie back in with the introduction. Below is an example of an outline of a student paper which was responding to an article about cell phone use in cars. The original article is not online, but I've provided a link to a New York Times debate on this issue which is similar. Do you have a tattoo? How did you feel about getting it before and afterwards? Mbragion CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby, response essay thesis.

See the original New York Times article: "Lives-Under My Skin: A story of one man's journey toward getting a tattoo. Living response essay thesis Central Texas where degrees is normal in the middle of summer, I've spent a lot of time at our local water park recently. That means I've also spent a lot of time standing in line at the water slides staring at people's backs, which more often than not are covered with tattoos. I've seen wings, flowers, hearts with names imprinted on them, faces with dates, and "in memoriam," and. on the most memorable of all, response essay thesis, a picture worthy of a medieval drawing with a large Celtic cross response essay thesis fought over by a demon and an angel.

Response essay thesis a 50 something college professor, response essay thesis, I'm not in a peer group which generally goes out and gets tattoos on the weekends, so I was fascinated by Chris Adrian's article from the New York Times "Under My Skin" which explains his own decision to get a tattoo and describes the experience in detail, response essay thesis. Adrian explains that he decided to get a tattoo after breaking up with his girlfriend. He didn't do it on a drunken binge, but rather in a spirit of self-reform. Vaguely desiring something spiritual, he nevertheless rejects his initial idea of having John Calvin's face on his back since the reference seems too obscure.

Would people think he had a bad tattoo of Calvin and Hobbs? he wonders. Noting that he wanted something big and permanent to remind himself to be a person who was more responsible and more selfless, Adrain settles on a large dragon as a sufficiently menacing warning to himself. After four hours of pain, he leaves the tattoo parlor with his dragon on his back, and a certain amount of uneasiness in his soul. He asks himself: Was such a large dragon really a good idea? Why did he get it on his back where he can't see it? Ambiguity pervades Adrian's conclusions about his experience. While he is not elated with his new permanent body art, he doesn't seem to be quite ready to go out to find a tattoo removal business right away either.

michaeltattoo CC-BY via Flicker. This response can be positive, negative or a both. You can respond to one or more of the following:, response essay thesis. Your thesis answers the question: "What do you think about this essay? In spite of the fact that Adrian himself is not completely sure about his decision to get a dragon tattoo on his back, response essay thesis, his article is a persuasive argument in favor of tattooing. Each paragraph will have a topic sentence which is one of the reasons to believe the thesis. Here are the 4 topic sentences I've written as an outline for the body of my essay:.

Body Paragraph One: The choice of personal experience for this article presents the ideas more effectively. To response essay thesis this paragraph, I would give examples of the author's use of personal example and explain how he does this effectively. Body Paragraph Two : He interested and intrigued me by focusing on the idea that getting a tattoo can be an expression of a spiritual commitment. I would explain how this idea was new to me and why it changed my mind about tattoos and why people get them. I would then add the example from my own life of the time I saw a tattoo of a face with "in remembrance" along with name and dates.

Body Paragraph Three: People wh o get tattoos may have the same mixed feelings about wearing them that I have about seeing them. How ideas in the article relate to my own experiences. Body Paragraph Four: Adrian draws even an unlikely reader like myself into his experience through his engaging images, honest tone, and engaging style. How the writing of the article is persuasive. Reading Adrian's article about his personal experience with getting a tattoo actually did get under my skin. I found myself wondering, for perhaps the first time, whether there was any circumstance which would make me take that fatal step into the den of the tattoo artist. More importantly, it made me look response essay thesis sympathetically on the tattooed skin around me. While I am not shaken in my idea that a person ought to look at some samples response essay thesis the artist's work before giving them your skin to draw on, I do find that I now see tattoos as part of a life story.

Moreover, I'm curious about that story, response essay thesis. If I get brave enough, the next time I'm in line at the water slide, I may ask the girl in front of me to tell me about her tattooed response essay thesis. Nande--I am so glad that my article helped you know what to do on your paper. My main goal is to help people feel that writing is something they can do! I was feeling really about writing my varsity response paper and this really helped calm me down and put my thoughts in order. Thank you ever so much! I have recently started a web site, the info you provide on this site has helped me greatly. There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail. by Erich Fromm. Thanks MsDora! I have found that this very important type of essay is sometimes difficult for students to write, response essay thesis.

Great to know this helped donnah. I actually wrote this for my class but haven't yet given them the link. This is awesome! I was just planning a lesson today for my 11th grade class on responding to an article. This is helpful advice. Voted up, pinned and shared. Thanks kissayer! I have been teaching college English for about 20 years and started writing my own materials for students because the books don't always explain clearly how to write different kinds of essays, response essay thesis. I posted them on Hubpages mostly so my current and former students would have access to them.

So I've been really surprised at the fact they've become my top Hubs. Then when I did Google searches, I realized why. Not too many resources exist to explain how to write more easily. Thanks for the sharing! Thanks kittyjj. I have written before on this subject and been absolutely astounded to have so many people look at those Hubs. Response essay thesis I looked at the Google search results and reallized there were not many other instructions on the internet for this sort of essay. That is why I've been trying to give more help. Fabulous Hub! I have a lot of friends who are in university and come to me for tips as I'm a writer, and I will definitely response essay thesis them a link to your hub as well!

Bookmarked and voted up : So useful! Wow, this is a great hub! Very useful! I am going to bookmark it and have my kids to read it too. Thank you for sharing! Voted up and useful! This article did wonders for my confidence. Reading response essays don't seem like the terribly difficult task I once thought they were. I'm actually looking forward to writing them now because I get to express my opinions throughout the paper. This article was very informative and entertaining. The content was useful and I am sure it will come in handy very soon! I enjoyed response essay thesis about a guy that had second thoughts about getting a tattoo because it was such a new perspective on tattoos, most of the time we only hear people talk in full confidence.

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Your opinion can take the following forms:. A good essay outline may facilitate your writing process. Response essays have a regular 3-part essay structure. It includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. However, the actual content and intent of this essay are different. Learn its specifics and check the easy steps to writing its structure. Response paper introduction starts with a few sentences to summarize the work you have read. You may also make notes while researching the topic to use them in your intro. It should be brief and precise. An introduction should be closed and summed up with a strong, debatable thesis statement. In the main body of the response paper, express your main ideas and reactions.

It should consist of at least three paragraphs. Make sure to explain one reaction per paragraph. Otherwise, you risk making your paper messy. The response essay conclusion should summarize the main ideas mentioned in the paper. Avoid repeating the same ideas, preferably synthesize new ones. Also, do not introduce any new ideas in conclusion. And now, it will be good for you to check out response essay examples. We offer several professional essay samples. Examine the structure, the style, and the narration. Pay attention to important elements as the thesis statement and conclusion. Check out the paper attached below.

Make sure that your writing reflects the ideas that you disagree or agree with. Make sure that it classifies weak and strong points logically. A good response essay has to be convincing. It must be based on relevant examples and strong evidence. And, of course, to reflect your attitude. Also, keep in mind such basic things like grammar and punctuation. If you want your response paper to look great, spend some effort on proofreading. Response essay format requires a writer to follow certain stylistic rules. To submit a perfect draft, make sure that you avoid all common mistakes.

For instance, including your personal story in a response essay can be inappropriate. An essay is not an autobiography to feature your life experiences. Never retell readers the whole text because teachers expect you to analyze the information. The other typical mistake is procrastination. This academic assignment is time-consuming, and it requires in-depth analysis and reading. Set aside enough time to complete it successfully. Look for useful samples or templates to avoid making common mistakes. It's a winning strategy to end up with top-quality content. If you feel that you need extra help , turn to online professionals! Reach your academic goals with effective custom writing solutions. Entrust your complex assignments and tricky academic tasks to real pros! Their helping hand is a few clicks away.

Get your expert assistance here and now. Wishing for a magic writing solution? A reader response essay is a form of reflection on a book, essay, or another historical source. This essay requires good knowledge of the text and may involve direct quotations. The author needs to express the attitude to the text, not to retell the plot. A short response essay is normally between and words. This variation usually serves as classwork for minutes. In the summary essay, you need to analyze and interpret the information. When in a responsive essay, you need to express your opinion on some point. In most cases - opinion on a book, essay, or text. Table of Contents. How to Write a Response Essay: Things That Make It Work What is a Response Essay?

The Reader Response Essay: Where the Reader Meets the Text. Your response to a piece of writing is your opinion. It is usually fine to use "I" in your essay. PublicDomainPictures, C0 via Pixabay. Your introduction will be paragraphs. For this essay, because you want to give both information about the subject and also briefly summarize the article you are responding to, you probably need at least two paragraphs. In all introductions, you want to:. Paragraph One. The way this works is that you tell half of a story or conversation in the introduction and then tell the rest of the story in the conclusion. Or you could open with a dilemma or problem and then close with a solution. Another approach is to retell the same story in the conclusion with a different usually better ending.

How to Become a Republican. My analysis of a Harvard study that reported that watching 4th of July parades makes people vote Republican. Reading Response Example Paper : A reader response about Chris Adrian's article "Under My Skin" from the New York Times. Rea der Response to "Let's Stop Scaring Ourselves" by Michael Crichton. Reading Response to "Why We Crave Horror Movies" by Stephan King. Paragraph 2 : After your introduction, transition by explaining what the author of the article you have written has to say about this topic. Briefly explain the main points of the article that you want to talk about.

Then you will give your thesis. Johnson gives statistics showing that talking on a cell phone is as dangerous as driving drunk. Moreover, she points out the increasing number of accidents caused by cell phone use. Her conclusion is that we need to personally decide not to use a cell phone while driving and that we need to educate our friends and family to give up cell phones while driving, too. Agree I agree with Johnson because I have observed many people driving dangerously while talking on cell phones and have even been in an accident myself while talking on the phone. Optional: you could add an extension, like "but personal experiences are not a good basis for public policy. We need to have laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving.

Remember that all essays have three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. There are many ways to write a good essay, but I will give you a general guide to follow which will help you to organize your ideas. Here you will argue your thesis and give support for your ideas from your personal experience and your own thinking and reading. Jones argues Jones explains Jones warns Jones suggests Jones advises Jones contends Jones investigates Jones asks. For more on using Author Tags, see my article Other Words for Said. A sample list is below. Contrary to what you may have learned in previous writing classes, you should not repeat or summarize your arguments in the conclusion. Instead, you need to actually conclude your arguments.

You can often use the same type of technique that you use in an introduction. You can also:. Paragraph 1 : Dramatic re-telling of a personal story of picking up my cell phone and then realizing that I am going to crash into another car. Stop the story right before the crash. Paragraph 2 : Like most people, I thought I was a good enough driver to handle using a cell phone while driving. I found out I was wrong. According to Johnson, we should not use our phones while driving and should educate others not to use them either. Johnson cites statistics showing that talking on a cell phone is as dangerous as driving drunk.

Her conclusion is that we need to personally decide not to use a cell phone while driving and that we need to educate our friends and family to give up using cell phones while driving too. Each of these statements would be the topic sentence of one of the body paragraphs. For the first one, I also give examples of the type of arguments and support I would use to write that paragraph and prove my point. Laws make people realize that cell phone driving is dangerous. Below is an example of some support I could use to back up this idea—you can use ideas from the article but do not repeat the article.

I would return to my personal story and pick it up where I left off. I do crash and there is a lot of damage to my car, but no one is hurt. End with an appeal to the reader to do the same, but to also support legislation to prohibit cell phone use while driving. Responding personally to an article is usually the start of any analysis of writing, so it is a good first paper type to write. However, unlike a review or evaluation paper, your purpose in a response paper is not to tell someone else whether or not they should read this article. Instead, your purpose is to explain your reaction and to give reasons this will be the body of your paper why you reacted that way.

Doing an evaluation paper would take the reading response a step further and is probably one of the papers you will do next in your course. Question: My reading response paper is about a short story that we read in our class. Our assignment is to write a response to the story and express our opinion, Can you explain how to do this? Answer: I'm glad you've asked whether a reading response paper can be about a piece of literature. You can actually use many of the same techniques in writing about a short story as you do in writing about non-fiction articles. Here is a step-by-step:. Begin your paper with a brief description of the story, using the author and full title of the story to start.

Here is an example:. In the short story, "I'm Afraid of Bears" by Jon Junko, a young man in college named Ben goes on a camping trip with friends to overcome his fear of being outside which started when he was bit in the head by a bear while sleeping in a tent with his parents when he was eight. Ben's journey on this camping trip parallels his journey through his fears to overcome them and includes End this paragraph with a thesis sentence which tells your main response and opinion about the story. Junko's story is engaging, and his character of Ben is believable, authentic and relatable; moreover, I found the story suspenseful and was moved to think about how I needed to confront and overcome my fears.

In this "roadmap thesis," you can give yourself and your reader an outline of everything you will be talking about in the paper. So turn these ideas into topic sentences. Conclude your paper with why you liked or did not like the story and maybe what you will continue to think about or do after having read the story. If the class discussion also influenced you, you can talk about that as well. Question: Where should a response-to-literature essay identify the author and title of the literary work being discussed? Answer: You need to identify the author and title of the literary work as soon as you start talking about them in your essay, which is usually in the introduction. Generally, you will also tell the main point of the literature at the same time, so you might want to put this at the end of the first paragraph or the beginning of the second paragraph.

You can put it in the very first sentence if it is a short essay, but generally, you may want to start with a bit more of an interesting introduction. Answer: There is no particular word count required for this sort of paper. Your instructor will probably have this information for you. However, I usually assign at least a page essay to make sure the students do a thorough job. Hi Dae--what you are describing is a personal experience essay. You can find my instructions on that by Googling that title and my name. Is it the same process as the one demonstrated above? Excellent post!!!. The strategy you have posted on this technology helped me to get into the next level and had lot of information in it.

You should start by identifying the book and author and giving one sentence which tells your main reaction. Ideally, that sentence will tell two different ideas so you can do one in the first paragraph and the other in the second paragraph. You can tell what you liked and what you disliked, two things you liked, how you felt about the plot and how you felt about the way it was written, or two other aspects of the story. Here is an example: I really enjoyed Anthony Trollope's novel Can You Forgive Her? because of the interesting female characters and the description of the life of the upper classes in 19th century England.

Then the rest of the first paragraph who talk about why I liked the female characters and what I liked about them. The second paragraph would explain why l liked learning about 19th century England. It would help to conclude with what you learned from the book or how it changed your way of thinking about something. Note: You should underline or italicize the title of a novel but I can't do that in the question widget. My task is to write a response to our favourite book in 2 paragraphs could you please help with that. Hi Ms. Virginia Thank you very much for this wonderful explanations. it is really helpful for my assignment.

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