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Historiographic essay example

Historiographic essay example

You are commenting using your Historiographic essay example. Second Edition. Hispanic-American Historical Review, Vol. A historiographic essay is a sort of essay which requires you to discover several occasionally contrary sources on a single event. Historiography is the history of the history of a particular topic.

What is historiography?

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, historiographic essay example. A historiographic essay is a sort of essay which requires you to historiographic essay example several occasionally contrary sources on a single event. To put it differently, the format of a historiographical essay is mainly analysis. The historiographical should:, historiographic essay example. The primary thing of the historiographical essay topics will be the need for society as well as your subject individually. For instance, if you wish to compose the essay concerning the faithfulness of nation or perhaps to raise patriotic courage, then you can address the topic on:. Undoubtedly, this kind of topics is essential and important for the development and life of the great citizens of the country.

You will find several helpful strategies for picking out a topic. Not to mention, the easiest technique historiographic essay example usually to use one among your designated readings; choose the topic which the author addresses as your own. On the other hand, historiographic essay example, you can easily use their particular bibliography as a beginning point for historiography particularly if they review previous positionsas historiographic essay example as branch out after that. As soon as you have got a topic, search for some works on the subject.

A combination of books and articles can be helpful, historiographic essay example, based on the time period and subject. Generally, books have a tendency to be widely referenced and more influential compared to articles for the oldest subjects. Regarding more modern topics, articles can be far more available; however, books will cover much more ground compared to the majority of periodical articles. Historiographic essay example, these are simpler to approach; the secret is to discover the significance of article in the area in general. With the edited collection of chapters and articles, see which topics had been included and exactly what the overall theme of the book appears to be.

Watch the framework of books; exactly how the authors develop their argument as well as what they indicate is the essential part. A great way to determine the purpose of the work of an author is historiographic essay example go through the book reviews. It will additionally provide information on exactly how reviewers react to the argument or historiographic essay example of the author. A good strategy is to mix step 1 with step 2, inserting each source in the entire framework while historiographic essay example go and therefore helping you save from needing to re-read every single source two times.

After the intro appears the body paragraphs. Usually, historiographic essay example, they occupy the majority of the essay. The paragraphs contain three main areas:. The academic paragraphs tend to be at least three sentences long, as well as can be lengthier still. As the rough guideline, a sentence lengthier than three lines is actually too long. All the paragraphs must be targeted: they should talk about only one historiographic essay example point. Also, that point must interact with the entire focus of the essay. Not to mention, the main point of the paragraph is frequently known as the controlling concept.

Every paragraph must have an alternative controlling concept, historiographic essay example, each one talking about one part or aspect of the entire essay. The body paragraphs can often start with an overview of the controlling concept: topic sentence. Explanations use the logic to completely describe the point produced in the topic sentence. This is not sufficient to simply explain a concept, however: you have to show that external evidence supports this at the same time. The body paragraphs cannot exist in isolation. Frequently they seem to be at the end of the paragraph. Historiography is a history of an individual topic. The majority of these examples tend to be extensive and very large in range. Many are, actually, historiographical essays evaluating the status of an area, for example, family history, and a major topic, for example, Reconstruction.

Also, you can pick some little part of the topic- say the immigrant families in the 19th cities- as well as say you had been going to evaluate how the research of that topic had transformed. But mainly the examples ensure that you figure out how you to choose a topic which has sufficient literature to suit your needs and to analyze, historiographic essay example. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails, historiographic essay example.

With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free. Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list. Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately! How To Write A Historiographical Essay 15 Jun What Is A Historiographical Essay A historiographic essay is a sort of essay which requires you to discover several occasionally contrary sources on a single event. The historiographical should: Be dependent on an extensive, less focused theme or topic, for example, Reconstruction in the USA Critically examine secondary sources authored by historians Put emphasis on the historian, the bias of the historian and the way the writing of a specific topic has altered year after year Examine and compare arguments of other historians against each other Historiographical Essay Topics The primary thing of the historiographical essay topics will be the need for society as well as your subject individually.

Historiographic essay example instance, historiographic essay example, if you wish to compose the essay concerning the faithfulness of nation or perhaps to raise patriotic courage, then you can address the topic on: Civil War World War II Union of all states into a single country, and so on Undoubtedly, this kind of topics is essential and important for the development and life of the great citizens of the country. Historiographical Essay Structure Learn the historiographical essay structure here to come up with the best one. Historiographical Essay Introduction Get A Historiographic essay example You will find several helpful strategies for picking historiographic essay example a topic.

Build An Annotated-Bibliography As soon as you have got a topic, search for some works on the subject. Periodicals: Generally, these are simpler to approach; the secret is to discover the significance of article in the area in general. Collection: With the edited collection of chapters and articles, see which topics had been included and exactly what the overall theme of the book appears to be. Book: Watch the framework of books; exactly how the authors develop their argument as well as what they indicate is the essential part. Book Reviews: A great way to determine the purpose of the work of an author is to go through the book reviews. Write The Historiography A good strategy is to mix step 1 with step 2, inserting each source in the entire framework while you go and therefore helping you save from needing to re-read every single source two times.

Essay Body Paragraphs After the intro appears the body paragraphs. The paragraphs contain three main areas: Main point Support Transitions The academic paragraphs tend to be at least three sentences long, as well as can be lengthier still, historiographic essay example. The Main Point All the paragraphs must be targeted: they should talk about only one main point. Transitions The body paragraphs cannot exist in isolation. Historiographical Essay Outline And Historiographical Essay Conclusion The historiographical essay outline follows as below; Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion Historiographical Essay Examples Historiography is a history of an individual topic.

How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay Prev Writing guide for a perfect literature review Next, historiographic essay example. We can write a custom essay According to Your Specific Requirements Order an essay. Leadership Diversity Police Brutality Nature vs Nurture Racism Social media Climate Change Global Warming Who Am I Gun Control Career Goals Death Penalty Black Lives Matter Autobiography Community Service Self Reflection Technology Bullying Immigration American Dream Barack Obama Cultural Identity Thanksgiving Friendship Macbeth Romeo and Juliet Scientist Identity Racial Profiling Film Analysis Nursing Obesity Civil Rights Movement Animal Farm Lord of the Flies Cruelty to Animals Overpopulation Cyber Bullying Civil War Time Management Advertisement Pollution Euthanasia Industrial Revolution Freedom Poems The Great Gatsby To Kill a Mockingbird Ethics Philosophy of Education Feminism Poverty Child Labour Cold War Frankenstein.

All rights reserved. send By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Copying is only available for logged-in users. If you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email Send. Free Plagiarism Checker. All Materials are Cataloged Well. We have received your request for getting a sample. Please choose the access option you need:. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free I agree to wait a whole day. Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email Jump the queue with a membership plan, historiographic essay example, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately!

We have received your request for getting a sample The users without accounts have to wait due to a large waiting list and high demand. We are really sorry but we cannot send the sample immediately, historiographic essay example. Only the users having paid subscription get the unlimited number of samples immediately. Choose a Membership Plan I agree to wait a whole day. Sorry, but only registered users have full access, historiographic essay example. Or if you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email. Membership Cancel. Your membership has been canceled. Back to Profile. Your Answer Is Very Helpful For Us Thank You A Lot! Emma Taylor online. Hi there! Would you like to get such a paper?

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The body paragraphs can often start with an overview of the controlling concept: topic sentence. Explanations use the logic to completely describe the point produced in the topic sentence. This is not sufficient to simply explain a concept, however: you have to show that external evidence supports this at the same time. The body paragraphs cannot exist in isolation. Frequently they seem to be at the end of the paragraph. Historiography is a history of an individual topic. The majority of these examples tend to be extensive and very large in range. Many are, actually, historiographical essays evaluating the status of an area, for example, family history, and a major topic, for example, Reconstruction.

Also, you can pick some little part of the topic- say the immigrant families in the 19th cities- as well as say you had been going to evaluate how the research of that topic had transformed. But mainly the examples ensure that you figure out how you to choose a topic which has sufficient literature to suit your needs and to analyze. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free.

Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list. Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately! How To Write A Historiographical Essay 15 Jun What Is A Historiographical Essay A historiographic essay is a sort of essay which requires you to discover several occasionally contrary sources on a single event. The historiographical should: Be dependent on an extensive, less focused theme or topic, for example, Reconstruction in the USA Critically examine secondary sources authored by historians Put emphasis on the historian, the bias of the historian and the way the writing of a specific topic has altered year after year Examine and compare arguments of other historians against each other Historiographical Essay Topics The primary thing of the historiographical essay topics will be the need for society as well as your subject individually.

For instance, if you wish to compose the essay concerning the faithfulness of nation or perhaps to raise patriotic courage, then you can address the topic on: Civil War World War II Union of all states into a single country, and so on Undoubtedly, this kind of topics is essential and important for the development and life of the great citizens of the country. Historiographical Essay Structure Learn the historiographical essay structure here to come up with the best one. Historiographical Essay Introduction Get A Topic You will find several helpful strategies for picking out a topic.

Build An Annotated-Bibliography As soon as you have got a topic, search for some works on the subject. Periodicals: Generally, these are simpler to approach; the secret is to discover the significance of article in the area in general. Collection: With the edited collection of chapters and articles, see which topics had been included and exactly what the overall theme of the book appears to be. Book: Watch the framework of books; exactly how the authors develop their argument as well as what they indicate is the essential part. Book Reviews: A great way to determine the purpose of the work of an author is to go through the book reviews. Write The Historiography A good strategy is to mix step 1 with step 2, inserting each source in the entire framework while you go and therefore helping you save from needing to re-read every single source two times.

Essay Body Paragraphs After the intro appears the body paragraphs. The paragraphs contain three main areas: Main point Support Transitions The academic paragraphs tend to be at least three sentences long, as well as can be lengthier still. The Main Point All the paragraphs must be targeted: they should talk about only one main point. Transitions The body paragraphs cannot exist in isolation. Historiographical Essay Outline And Historiographical Essay Conclusion The historiographical essay outline follows as below; Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion Historiographical Essay Examples Historiography is a history of an individual topic. How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay Prev Writing guide for a perfect literature review Next. We can write a custom essay According to Your Specific Requirements Order an essay.

Leadership Diversity Police Brutality Nature vs Nurture Racism Social media Climate Change Global Warming Who Am I Gun Control Career Goals Death Penalty Black Lives Matter Autobiography Community Service Self Reflection Technology Bullying Immigration American Dream Barack Obama Cultural Identity Thanksgiving Friendship Macbeth Romeo and Juliet Scientist Identity Racial Profiling Film Analysis Nursing Obesity Civil Rights Movement Animal Farm Lord of the Flies Cruelty to Animals Overpopulation Cyber Bullying Civil War Time Management Advertisement Pollution Euthanasia Industrial Revolution Freedom Poems The Great Gatsby To Kill a Mockingbird Ethics Philosophy of Education Feminism Poverty Child Labour Cold War Frankenstein. All rights reserved. send By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

Copying is only available for logged-in users. If you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email Send. Free Plagiarism Checker. All Materials are Cataloged Well. We have received your request for getting a sample. Please choose the access option you need:. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free I agree to wait a whole day. References Caulfield, S. In defense of honor: Sexual morality, modernity, and nation in early twentieth-century Brazil.

Durham: Duke. Gutierrez, R. When Jesus came, the corn mothers went away: Marriage, sexuality, and power in New Mexico, Palo Alto: Stanford. Guy, D. Omaha: University of Nebraska. Scott, J. Gender and the politics of history. New York: Columbia. This style came later during the latter part of his ten years as member of the Wiener Sezesion. The objective of this association was to separate themselves from contemporary art and to provide Vienna with quality foreign art pieces. Klimt's pieces, at first, failed to win renown and only became accepted with his so-called 'Golden period' called so due to the generous use of gold leaf in his paintings.

Klimt's encounter with Byzantine art and his being influenced by it, primarily, initiated from Alfred oller, a painter colleague who had a great influence on his life, and who had encouraged Klimt to visit avenna and study the famous mosaics there. oller himself had studied them when painting friezes and mural for the Breitenfelder-Kirche. Accordingly, Klimt visited avenna the following spring and, taking ollers advice, studied the mosaics. His companion, Max Lenz commented on the huge impact that the mosaics had…. References Byzantine Art: An Introduction. html Fliedl, G.

Gustav Klimt. Vienna: Benedikt Taschen. Gibson, Michael. Excerpted in "Gustav Klimt. Retrieved on February 28, from:. In Bellum Iugurthinum he claimed that the state will gain more advantage from his otium than from the negotium of contemporary politicians SALLUST'S HISTOICAL WOKS Sallust wrote several historical works, but the two monographs that remain intact are the Bellum Catilinae and the Bellum Jugurthinum. There are also four speeches and two letters as well as approximately parts of his Historiae that was published in five books. It is believed by historians that "Sallust's merits as an artist have obscured, or made his readers willing to forget, his faults.

As a historical authority he is at best second rank…Yet Sallust's value to us is considerable, mainly because his writings contain an interpretation of oman history during the late epublic often differing from that in our other sources and opposed to optimate tradition. References Allen, Walter Jr. Sallust's Political Career. Studies in Philology Earl, Donald C. The Political Thought of Sallust. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, Laistner, M. The Greater Roman Historians. Berkeley: University California Press, Levene, D. Sallust's Jugurtha: A Historical Fragment.

The Journal of Roman Studies. Bartoleme De Las Casas An Analysis of the Activism of Bartoleme De Las Casas Often characterized by modern historians as the "Defender and the apostle to the Indians," Bartolome de Las Casas is known for exposing and condemning as well as exaggerating and misrepresenting the violent practices of Spanish colonizers of the New orld against Native Americans. Marked by emotional polemic and often embellished statistics, Las Casas' voluminous works brought him both support and opposition in his own time. hile being harshly criticized as a threat to Spanish rule in America, De Las Casas was also continually financially supported by the Crown and offered high offices by the Church Benzoni Though more than four hundred years have passed since his death, the works of this controversial Dominican friar continue to elicit strong reactions from both detractors and defenders -- from both those who condemn him and those who praise….

Works Cited Adorno, Rolena. Alker, Hayward. Bandelier, Adolph Francis. NY: Robert Appleton Company, Old South: Middle Florida's Plantation Frontier before the Civil War" by Edward E. Where does the work fit in the existing historiography. What evidence does the author use to make the case? riefly summarize the author's findings. Is the result believable? Why or why not? What if anything is wrong with the work? Are there major gaps or inconsistencies? Creating an Old South: Middle Florida's Plantation Frontier before the Civil War" In "Creating an Old South: Middle Florida's Plantation Frontier before the Civil War," Edward E. aptist presents a historical account of the era of migration to Middle Florida during the early 's and its creation of the plantation boom.

aptist attempts…. Bibliography Baptist, Edward E. Creating an Old South: Middle Florida's Plantation Frontier before the Civil War. University of North Carolina Press. Kennedy's role in foreign politics. This book covers in depth the major global emergencies during the Kennedy Presidency, including Berlin, Cuba, and Vietnam. It is clear Freedman's thesis for writing the book is a convincing attempt to answer the "what if? The author notes, "Questions of what might have been still dominate considerations of Kennedy's presidency, and they are addressed in this book" Freedman xii.

Since Kennedy was assassinated in before he had the chance to prove and continue his foreign policy, these are valid questions about an administration left hanging. Throughout the book Freedman continually returns to this thesis as he examines each…. References Freedman, Lawrence. Kennedy's Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. New York: Oxford University Press U. Jesus Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz bridge a gap between trade book and scholarly discourse with their page tome The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide. This joint effort by Theissen and Merz explores the subject matter of the historical Jesus in light of primary sources, especially relying on the Gospels, both canonical and apocryphal. The book is divided into four main sections, in addition to a meaty Introduction, a "Retrospect" called "A Short Life of Jesus," and two helpful indexes, one of Biblical.

Works Cited Theissen, Gerd, and Merz, Annette. The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide. Minneapolis: Fortress, Here the author demonstrates a serious bias in the work: repeatedly glorifying the Aztecs. The Aztecs sometimes seems to be about the author's impressions of Aztec culture more so than about the culture itself. Sometimes the book seems like an account of encounter between the civilized Europeans and the primitive indigenous people of Mexico. The author compares Aztec society with European society at several times in the book. Throughout the Aztecs Biart broadcasts a deep admiration for the culture. The author's palpable admiration of the Aztecs usually works in the book's favor by providing a post-colonial examination of a pre-Columbian society.

Except for the stereotypes and generalizations that occasionally creep into the historiography, Biart uses his personal respect to bolster the book. Rise of the Narrative Are we returning to a narrative in history? But now it is a narrative impacted by the numbers of the technology of the information age, which is a different type of impact tha the guardians of the past saw coming. There is little question but that narrative has again begun to find a place in documenting and shaping the substance of history. Few people believe that numbers, be they those of the math of the hard sciences or those of the democracy of the softer sciences, can provide all the answers.

As Lucien Febvre is reported to have complained to some of his students, "We have no history of Love. We have no history of Death. We have no history of Pity nor of Cruelty. We have no history of Joy. Juan Seguin Texas It is not an untold secret that every American knows about the unforgettable "emember the Alamo," a war cry that the Texans used during the Texas evolution. The repetitive screaming of this war cry makes Americans remember the horrible deaths of the Anglo defenders at the hands of the brutal soldiers of Santa Anna. It was due to the sacrifices of those daunting defenders that the people in Texas were guaranteed an independent state that was free of the tyrannical Mexican rule.

In the same connection, it is not possible to not mention the name Juan Seguin whenever Texas evolution is under discussion. Juan was among the many valiant Mexicans who fought fearlessly for the sake of people in America. He was a brave man whose participation for the sake of American settlers is equivalent to that of William Travis, Davy Crockett etc. Thus, it is impossible…. References Chemerka, W. Juan Seguin. Albany, Tex. Dawson, J. The Texas Military Experience: From the Texas Revolution Through World War II. University Press, Harris, Charlie. Juan Seguin: A Teacher'sGuide. Texas: University of Texas Publishers, pdf accessed September 27, Sorell, V.

American history is an exercise in country branding and national identity construction. Through a careful editorializing and curating of historical documents, events, and places, historians contribute to the shaping of American identity, ideology, and culture. Revisiting the process of history making shows how historians and history educators can encourage critical thought, shifting away from the use of historiography as propaganda toward a discursive process. Historians can define and interpret evidence in different ways based on their own historical and cultural context, and the influences of prevailing social norms. American history has long been a myth-making process, rather than a discursive exercise.

Westad , Dudziak and Manela all points out how the United States has cultivated and crafted an identity based on the tenets of liberty, justice, and freedom. Yet in practice, the nation has been an exercise in exploitation, imperialism, and racism. Viewing the broad forces involved in such militaristic affairs rather than focusing overly much on the details, Polybius is one of the first historians to have given us historiographical methodologies and tools. At the same time, Polybius did offer detailed chronicles that contribute to an understanding of chronology and geography. On several interrelated levels, the work of Polybius forms a crucial part of the classical historiography.

The areas that I focus on in this research include politics and government; military; and the process of history. I will begin with background information relevant to the research, including Polybius's own personal history including his service with the Achaean Confederacy. An overview of oman imperialism and the geographic expansion of the empire into Northern Africa will also be discussed, as Polybius lived on the threshold of these changes and wrote about them as an eye witness. Polybius's network will also be discussed, as…. References "Historian -- Polybius.

htm Polybius: The Histories. Jewish history was promoted by the scribes or the Levites in early Jewish history and later on the popular educator and teachers promoted learning of the scriptures within the Jewish people so that history would be preserved however, at the time Christianity emerged this factor influenced the ancient writings in terms of how this history was related. Some of Jewish history is so ancient that it has only been related by word of mouth however, there are writings which support history as it is told of the Jewish people. Furthermore, Christianity's emergence affected the form in which some of these ancient writings were reproduced and even the forms of recorded history characterized as genuine and credible Jewish history. Bibliography Spiro, Rabbi Ken The Miracle of Jewish History.

Jewish Literacy. Fisher, Eugene J. International Council of Christians and Jews. A Bibliographic Update. Plain Label Books. Crash Course in Jewish History. However, these authors did emphasize their next major point that the problems of disease and general ill-health resulted in discussion of both medical and social opinions on how to solve these problems. Dowler's account of Bostonian health debate explains that the beginning of unified public health organizations began because there were so many conflicting opinions on how to solve emerging medical crisis of the city.

hey are success and persuasive in their argumentation because they cite primary sources on the many conflicting opinions from differing sectors of society. Not only did doctors have an opinion on how to cure diseases, but politicians also interjected their opinions on the social issues that need to be resolved in order to prevent disease and promote public health pg. he strength the authors' rhetoric in these discussions is that they do not "tell" but "show" us the confusion of public health officials during…. The reason that this particular book is very respected and popular within the field of medical historiography is the ability to provide differing demographic perspectives on the same issues of public health.

During the early to mid s, the United States did not have a centralized governing public health body and as a result, the only way to provide a holistic understanding of how public health organizations began is to look not at one particular organization or region, but the vast growth of urban social systems to promote public health. The essence of this book is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the social, political, economic and medical conditions of this particular era contributed to the growth of governmental and centralized responses to the growing crisis of disease control. Although this book is successful in providing a very panoramic view of the growth of public health organizations, it is at times confusing because the editors present the essays in full without providing the circumstantial understanding of what each author discusses.

This book would have been much more useful had the editors contributed an explanation and annotation of key concepts within each of these readings so that readers can easily understand key words and phrases that each author assumes are intelligible to their reader. However, the very fact that these works were collected together in one volume is extremely helpful to the overall understanding of medical history in this context. Therefore this book has successfully accomplished its mission and is a substantially enriching resource for the teaching of American medical and public health history. Charles Rosenberg, advisory ed. Origins of Public Health in America: Selected Essays New York, Arno Press and the New York Times, Histories of the Pacific The real Pacific is not a static place as the Pacifics of the mind tend to be; and nor are the peoples who have acted upon it and within it the simple ciphers of exploiter and victim, powerless and powerful that some depictions would suggest.

Nor can straightforward interpretations of linear progress towards "civilization" suffice, with their emphasis on great events as stepping-stones in the march towards modernity -- what one historian of Hawaii has called "narratives that chronicle Hawaiian history after Western great men reached Hawai'i's shores, foregrounding events and actors that, to Western observers, marked the evolution of Hawaii from primitiveness to progressing civilization" uck, The key to avoiding such caricatures is in understanding the significance of the act of representation: "Native and stranger each possessed the other in their interpretations of the other" Dening, The events and encounters that have played….

Bligh, William, A Voyage to the South Sea, Undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for the Purpose of Conveying the Bread-Fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's Ship The Bounty London, , in George Mackaness ed. Buck, Elizabeth, Paradise Remade: the Politics of Culture and History in Hawai'i Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, Ming Dynasty The three centuries that comprise the Ming Dynasty are not easy to describe in the course of twenty pages of text. However, the author of this chapter does a stellar job of conveying the essence of the Ming Dynasty via an engaging yet scholarly writing style. The chapter is well-organized, its ideas presented in clear, logical, and chronological format.

However, the presentation of the material is not dry but rather includes rich commentary and even opinion that is solidly based on source evidence. For example, the author reflects on the personality and character of some of the Ming emperors and eunuch dictators, using strong adjectives that reflect the views of their contemporaries. In addition to providing rich and colorful commentary, the author also outlines the succession of Ming Emperors with convenient, logical subheadings within the chapter. Thus, the author presents a wealth of material by weaving the personal…. Creation Myth Analysis Case Study of the History of iblical Creation Narratives What Is Myth? What Is History?

Manetho Josephus Jeroboam Is Genesis Myth? Is Genesis History? Is Genesis oth Myth and History? An Analysis of the iblical Creation Narrative of Genesis and Egypt's Possible Influence on the Historical Record God created the world in just six days, and rested on the seventh, but scholars have not rested at all over the millennia in their investigation of its account in the historical record, particularly Genesis Given its importance to humankind, it is little wonder that so much attention has been devoted to how the universe was created and what place humanity has in this immense cosmos. Indeed, the creation of the universe and the origin of mankind are the subject of numerous myths around the world, with many sharing some distinct commonalities.

According to S. Bibliography Aldred, Cyril. The Egyptians. Andrews, E. Five Lectures on the Modern Science of History. New York: Macmillan Co. Austin, Michael. Also humoous is a misfied gun in the enty of 23 Octobe, The last few yeas of diay enties include efeences to histoical events including the skimishes with the Dutch, the London plague, and the London fie. Theefoe, the Samuel Pepys diay has become a vital piece of histoiogaphy, offeing fisthand accounts of events that did affect people in thei daily lives. Reades will find these accounts compelling, as Samuel Pepys wites about them with specific details. What makes Samuel Pepys' account seem moden and contempoay hee is that he wites about seious histoical events in plain language. Pepys is not attempting to be a jounalist any moe than a moden blogge is.

Yet just as a moden blogge does ty to achieve honesty in self-expession, Pepys also undestands the notion of ceating a valuable diay enty. Whethe o…. references to historical events including the skirmishes with the Dutch, the London plague, and the London fire. Therefore, the Samuel Pepys diary has become a vital piece of historiography, offering firsthand accounts of events that did affect people in their daily lives. Readers will find these accounts compelling, as Samuel Pepys writes about them with specific details. What makes Samuel Pepys' account seem modern and contemporary here is that he writes about serious historical events in plain language. Pepys is not attempting to be a journalist any more than a modern blogger is.

Yet just as a modern blogger does try to achieve honesty in self-expression, Pepys also understands the notion of creating a valuable diary entry. Whether or not Pepys intended for his diary to become a historical text is unsure. What is sure is that Pepys approaches journaling with a modern sensibility. Because his diary was not intended for a scholarly audience, Pepys does not censor himself. He writes about how much wine and beer he drinks, including the "morning drafts. Pepys even describes what people wore. Pepys can easily be considered one of the world's first bloggers, who just happened to not have at his fingertips the type of technology we have today. In return, Caesar rewarded Sallust with the title of proconsular governor of all of the province of Numidia and Africa.

Others with a much stronger background were expecting this position, but it may have just been that Sallust showed a greater skill at organization. Sallust, however, takes advantage of this situation and when returning to ome was cited for extortion. It appears that Caesar may have made a deal with Sallust that if he quietly disappears, he would not be tried. References Dorey, T. Ed Latin Historians. New York: Basic Books, Earl, Donald C. Hakkert, Handford, S. translator The Jugurthine War Middlesex: Penguin Books. Laistner, M. Berkeley: University California Press, The politics were simple. The Government and the settlers had all the power, ultimately the Natives did not, and so, the settlers and the government subjugated the Natives and forced them into treaties that only served the European settlers.

Another writer notes, "In ichard White argued in the oots of Dependency that Euro-Indian relations in various parts of North America had in common the 'attempt By whites to bring Indian resources, land, and labor into the market. Joseph Brant - Mohawk leader - British Army officer - Studied at "Moor's Indian Charity School - Translator for Department of Indian Affairs - esponsible for restoring lands to the Mohawk people. Wampum belt - Fashioned from seashells - Used as money or for trade - Given during times of peace making…. References Editors, First World. html 9 Feb. Hatfield, April Lee. Konkle, Maureen. Writing Indian Nations: Native Intellectuals and the Politics of Historiography, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, Editors, First World.

Voyager's World, ,. Images of war, homelessness, and poverty also convey poignant messages that can be construed differently by different people. The photographer presents the image but the viewer deciphers it. When photographs like those from Walker Evans are used as journalistic content, they can become imbued with meaning and political ideology. Other images are less equivocal. For example, a shot of a homeless man sleeping on a bench in Beverly Hills would immediately connote income disparity in the United States. Another issue Nickel raises in "American Photographs Revisited" is the confluence of art and science in the medium of photography.

Evans and other professional photographers and photojournalists craft their images, painstakingly addressing variables like lighting and atmospheric conditions with tweaks to their camera techniques. New technology including digital photography and editing software has expanded the range of possibilities for photographers. The art of photography is extended to book layout in works like…. Take for example, Foucault's 'Omnus at singulatim', in which the thinker shows his reader how the Christian practice of 'pastoral power' paves the way for certain modern practices that in actuality govern almost all the aspects of a living population anywhere in the world. Foucault also stressed on his belief that religion, in a positive way, possessed the capacity to contest against the nascent forms of control instituted during the modern period of man, like for example, Protestant eformation, which tried its best to resist the onslaught of emerging forms, and therefore, became representative of a set of emerging disciplinary discourses and practices.

As far as Foucault was concerned, religion presented difficulties for autonomous self fashioning, but at the same time, religion was not a dangerous precursor to modern forms of governments. Conclusion: To conclude, it must be said that Michael Foucault's theories are as relevant today as they were…. References Smart, Barry. Michael Foucault, Critical Assessments. Routledge, McCall, Corey "Autonomy, religion and revolt in Foucaul. Gutting, Gary. The Cambridge Companion to Foucault, Cambridge University Press, Carrette, Jeremy R. Foucault and Religion: Spiritual Corporality and Political Spirituality, Routledge, Mention must be made as well with respect to the authors continued reference to the fall of dot.

com discount brokerage firms. However, their relevance to the Schwab vs. Lynch scenario is poorly refined or applied. he data collected and presented by the authors, although extremely interesting, is based on secondary sources rather than primary, or at least not a blend of primary and secondary sources. In fact on page and the authors ignore the cardinal rule of best fit research practice by discussing a particular situation wherein the authors paraphrased certain statements made by the co-CEO of Charles Schwab without any cited reference whatsoever. Further, they even quoted the co-CEO without proper citation. Particular attention must be given at this time to the authors' use of reference material. When one reviews the reference page it is interesting, and surprising, to note that not one citation mentions the words….

The data collected and presented by the authors, although extremely interesting, is based on secondary sources rather than primary, or at least not a blend of primary and secondary sources. When one reviews the reference page it is interesting, and surprising, to note that not one citation mentions the words Charles Schwab or Merrill Lynch. One must ask, therefore, how valid is the material being presented by the authors with respect to their discussion of each brokerage house? Additionally, even the secondary sources upon which the authors base their research study are extremely outdated and possibly irrelevant due to mega technological changes in the it industry in the last five years.

As a result, analysis of the Charles Schwab vs. Merrill Lynch it brokerage data scenario is extremely suspect as to reliability and validity. In other words, the overwhelming unanswered question is one of how authentic and accurate is the authors' data with respect to both brokerage houses when no part of the presentation was supported with primary research? In conclusion, and for others reading the Mahnke, Zcan, and Overby research report, extreme caution must be exercised in terms of accepting the conclusions drawn and inferences made as there are serious limitations of the study.

The most significant limitation, and as stated earlier, is in terms of the absence of any primary research data with respect to the early vs. late use of it systems at each respective brokerage house. Another limitation is the lack of information as to how the dot. com collapse affected each brokerage house and their use of improved it systems. Still another limitation is in the area of outsourcing of it services and the relationship this has to both Schwab and Lynch. A great deal of time was spent on discussing the impact of it outsourcing but little of the information was applied to Schwab and Merrill. Finally, Mahnke, Zcan, and Overby might well have reinforced their qualitative research through a more rigorous content analysis and historiography which is gained through fieldwork activities, namely reviewing text material direct from Charles Schwab and Merrill Lynch and from gathering historical evidence applicable to both brokerage houses.

However, in the end, they were unable to stop the war despite their best efforts. The war happened anyway, in spite of the best intentions and actions to prevent it. T he actions of the various governments were reactions to events that they had tried their best to prevent. They did not make a full-blown effort to convince their people of the need for war, until the war had already begun. Had the war been intentional on the part of Germany or any other entity, there would have been plans in place to gain the support of the people long before August 1, Only Germany had such a plan in place. However, this does not mean that they started the war intentionally. It might mean that they saw it coming and wanted to be prepared. In the end, only the players know what their motives were on any particular….

Works Cited Primary Sources The Treaty of Versailles , esp. html Memorandum of Prince Karl Max Lichnowsky Secondary Sources. As Tapper points out, the three major approaches of Western social theory are each "flawed by their commitment to positivism, objectivity, and scientific detachment," p. Some may wonder how it could be possible to study religion with scientific detachment, since scientific detachment is partly defined by the absence of religious sentiment. If a historian is too detached, he or she cannot come to terms with the language best used to understand any given tradition: for example the "body" of Muhammad and the Prophet's tribe. Denying relevance of mystical experiences, subversive or minority views, or even non-linear representations of history would be doing a disservice to the history of religion.

A scholar doesn't necessarily have to spend time in a monastery to understand Zen but it wouldn't hurt. Encounters with terms and ideologies add the missing semantic value that can make a history of religion whole and truly meaningful. References Tapper, R. Anthropological Quarterly. Varisco, D. Metaphors and sacred history: the geneaology of Muhammad and the Arab 'Tribe'. Specifically, Mazlish's point-of-view of historiography as a kind of evolutionary state self and socially awareness is inextricably tied to one's place in history- past, present, and future. Indeed, in Mazlish's conclusion, he points out that "[h]istory was of the same nature as physics," in that it was "based on experience and was a matter of the highest probability, rather than certainty" p.

Thus, readers have the pleasure of an acutely intelligent discussion on the relationship between academic fields and the content with which comprises those fields. The weaknesses of Mazlish's book are contained in the lack of further explanation of the previously noted strengths. Mazlish captivated me with his initial assessments of history in the introduction, and then stopped making the kind of connections that I was looking forward to with excitement. While the thorough discussion of the philosophers' take on history was interesting, and indeed critical, to…. Bibliography Mazlish, Bruce. The riddle of history; the great speculators from Vico to Freud. controversial than a person could ever imagine. Historical interpretations must be questioned so that faulty historical thinking can be identified.

One of the most complicated aspects in historical interpretations is that they are precisely that -- interpretations. This means that people cannot help but look back at history through the lens of today's history; this affects interpretation and today's interpretation will be different than yesterday or tomorrow's interpretation because it will be a completely different time. Historians have a very difficult job because they must be able to take in information and interpret it in responsible ways. Historians need the humility to listen and trust others and the courage to interpret Cathcart , p. A primary source is considered to be something that is created by a person who witnessed an event.

Examples of…. References: Attwood, B. Cathcart, M. Reynolds, H. ismarck's Impact On Foreign Policy In Germany And On The alance Of Power In Europe Otto von ismarck is unquestionably one of the dominant figures of modern German, and European, history. Much of his fame as a statesman has always rested on his handling of foreign policy and diplomacy. His consistent policy was to position Germany as a unified and dominant power in continental Europe, consolidating her territorially and diplomatically to the point where she was, to use his own term, "satiated.

His achievement was to leave Germany stable, peaceful, and at the heart of the European states system; to integrate a dynamic and…. Bibliography Stefan Berger, 'Historians and nation-building in Germany since reunification', Past and Present, no. Bridge and Roger Bullen, The Great Powers and the European States System, London: Longman, Gordon A. Craig, Germany Oxford: Oxford University Press, George O. Kent, Bismarck and his Times Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, Bernard Bailyn For years, historians had been writing that the American evolution was the virtuous reaction to England's curtailment of rights.

Then, in , Harvard history professor Bernard Bailyn added his additional theory of ideology. In his book, The Ideological Origins of the American evolution, Bailyn agreed that the settlers were principled. Yet that was not the main cause of the discontent. Instead, he said, the settlers had inherited the suspicion of dangers that lurked with power of one entity over another. ather than seeing England's actions as solely unintended slipups, the colonists were paranoid enough to read them as part of a political plot. Obsession, not principles, led to the revolution.

Four decades later, no one is surprised that Bailyn comes up with a different twist to history. According to Professor ichard Beeman of the…. References Cited Bailyn, Bernard Bailyn. John Hopkins University. A History of U. Rakove, Jack. As an anthropologist, as she observed hoodoo practices of Southern blacks and became such a hoodoo priestess herself, she embraced subjectivity. Her perspective also made for a better writing of American history in general because it included the voices of marginalized figures. Works Cited Des Jardins, Julie. Women and the Historical Enterprise: the Female American Historian.

University of North Carolina Press, Those biblical students probably read his book and had a sense that he was in a classroom, behind a podium, lecturing to them, when, on pages , he discusses pre-history Stone Age and Neolithic Jericho. His bias towards places and people who are in some way connected to Scripture comes across numerous times in obviously favored passages. To wit: one can almost hear his voice as he describes the relative distance in time to make his point about the advent of the Israel we know today. Works Cited Bright, John. A History of Israel. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.

Noll, K. Looking on the Bright Side of Israel's History: Is There Pedagogical Value in Theological Presentation of History? Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches, 7, Oshinsky, "orse Than Slavery" David Oshinsky's history of "convict labor" in the Reconstruction-era American South bears the title orse Than Slavery. The title itself raises questions about the role played by moralistic discourse in historiography, and what purpose it serves. Oshinsky certainly paints a grim picture of the systematic use of African-American prisoners at Parchman Farm -- the focus of his study -- and throughout the South after the Civil ar. I would like to examine the system that Oshinsky describes, while incidentally paying attention to the rhetoric he employs in doing so.

But ultimately I wish to call attention to, and question, the validity of Oshinsky's title. The title is provocative, and therefore can only be termed responsible historiography if indeed his purpose is to provoke further questions. Chief among these must be the question of what it actually means to declare that what he describes in the book…. Works Cited Oshinsky, David. Worse Than Slavery: Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice. New York: Free Press, Religion Christianity started as a literary faith, one firmly rooted in Scripture. Scriptural adherence grew out of the Jewish appreciation for sacred text. Therefore, it is no wonder that Christianity evolved as a literary and literate faith. The evolution of Christianity from the fall of the Temple in 70 CE to the 21st century is one punctuated and formed by writing and historical documents.

Christian historiography reveals both the development of Christian religious thought including cosmology, theology, and metaphysics. Ethics and philosophy are also covered in the Christian canon. However, Christian historiography also goes beyond sacred wisdom. Christian texts have laid out methods by which Christianity -- and the Catholic Church in particular -- can and should function in the world as a political institution. Both spiritual and the political debates have led to conflicts in Christian identity development. Conflicting views of theological matters such as the nature of Christ's…. Works Cited Augustine.

City of God. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Denis, I. asp Gregory VII. Dictatus Papae, Economics in Ancient Civilization It is said that "Rome was not built in a day. Precursors to the culture most identified as the seat of estern political economy, the Ancient Egyptians, Etruscans, Greeks, Syrians, Carthaginians and Phoenicians all had contact with the Romans, and eventually were incorporated through territorial expansion of the Empire in Asia Minor, Cyrenaica, Europe, and North Africa. Prior to the Roman period, Europe was primarily occupied by Barbarian tribes; societies where no written language, legal system or alternative mechanism of governance was in place. hen we discuss the advancement of Ancient civilizations, then, it is through the transmission of law, literacy and polity that we find source to retrospect on early economic forms.

In Feinman and Nicholas , Perspectives on Political Economies, the difficulties…. Works Cited Buck-Norss, S. The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Benjamin, W. Das Passagen Werken. Bitros, George C.

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