Thursday, February 24, 2022

Essay on electronic media

Essay on electronic media

The role of electronic media is very important now. The main ways of information and entertainment like television, radio, essay on electronic media, newspapers and the internet are called media. Previous Post Previous Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Abroad. Your email address will not be published. The media bring us all the incidents and developments in the political life of our country and of all other countries.

Essay on Role of Electronic Media (400 Words)

The media are now the radio, essay on electronic media, TV, newspapers and magazines and, of course, the internet. None, even the illiterate villagers and townsfolk, can remain unaffected by them. Nobody can shut his eyes to the presentations on the TV screen. None can close his ears to the repeated news and items of information on the speakers of the radio and TV sets. There are loud reactions and talk about the important news and matters people hear about. In the markets, all kind of public places, offices and buses, trains and planes, they are interested in news and comments mostly. The media surround all of us and reach our hearts and brains at all times. The media bring us all the incidents and developments in the political life of our country and of all other countries.

We learn about the decisions and policies of our government and of other governments. We learn and understand the changing rainbow of the relations of different states. The media play a major role in telling us what the terrorists are doing and what their plans are. The media can tell us well how we can save ourselves from their plans and attacks. The TV and newspapers can tell everyone what destruction criminals can bring on us. The TV channels can show us the dangerous places which we should avoid visiting. The TV and newspapers rightly promote our education and culture. The TV telecasts educational and cultural programmes and newspapers and magazines publish articles to raise our mental intellectual level. Now the internet opens up the whole world to us, especially the educational and cultural activities of our and other societies.

The media can teach and train the new generation about their social, educational and moral standards. But they can harm them seriously by showing them or essay on electronic media them to immoral ways of life. They should avoid the presentation of crimes, essay on electronic media, the charms of evil and cheating on TV channels and in newspaper columns. The impact powerful effect of the media on the youth should be moral ethical and positive. Let the media in all countries join hands to tell others what is useful, beneficial and profitable for the common people. Let them decide together not to mislead, misinform and harm the public.

Electronic media has achieved great importance during the last few years. It has quite speedily taken the place of radio and newspapers. The role of electronic media is very important now. The electronic media is now fashion around the country. Everyone everywhere wants to essay on electronic media in touch with the media. However, it is a very essential aspect that the role of electronic media has been a topic of heated discussion. Some call it a blessing whereas others declare it a curse. Overall, we can say that whether it is good or bad even then a large number of the population is closely attached to it like a necessary part of life, essay on electronic media.

Electronic media is the most dominant form of media these days. Anyone can approach media in homes, offices, shops and even hotels and restaurants. No place is free of media. In homes, even one home has many TV sets as different people watch different programmes according to their age and liking and disliking. On very Special occasions large screens are fixed on huge crossroads. There are many roles of electronic media. Electronic can be a window to the world. It brings the news of the whole globe to us. We can know about the world by just keeping an eye on the electronic media. World trends of politics, business, sports, peace and war, Social and economic can be known through electronic media.

The electronic media reflect the stability of the Govt. in Pakistan, success or failure of a Govt, essay on electronic media. is judged from the news and views about the Govt. presented on electronic media. On the other hand, essay on electronic media, electronic media is regarded as the maker and breaker of Govt. in Pakistan. All political activities can be seen on electronic media. They can easily be called the political observer of the country. For a student, electronic media serves the purpose of a general knowledge book, essay on electronic media. The students can improve their knowledge and general knowledge about current affairs by watching certain programmes on electronic media.

It is very helpful in this regard. Electronic media provides up-to-date and even the latest information that lots of books miss or cannot offer. It also shows every angle on one topic. Another attraction of the electronic media is that it is for everybody. Be it young and old, players and politicians, students or businessmen a can benefit from electronic media All the people irrespective of their age and liking can find something Of their interest in the electronic media. Electronic media has great commercial value. It is a reliable source of propaganda, publicity and job offers.

A large number of political, business and unemployed people keep in touch with the electronic media. All the roles of electronic media are effective and impressive. The importance and effectiveness of electronic media are quite essay on electronic media. They inform, educate and entertain all the members of society. However, they are sometimes misleading. They develop negative trends. It must control all negative aspects and highlight good so that the results are positive. The essay on electronic media ways of information and entertainment like television, radio, newspapers and the internet are called media. The media is a double-edged sword. It can work positively as well as negatively. In its positive role, the media is an important source of information and news.

What happens around the world is shown instantly right on the TV screens. The new-found rule of media has also provide it a chance to create social and political awareness among the masses, thus essay on electronic media people aware of their social, economic and political rights. It scrutinizes the government working both in domestic and foreign affairs, and as such is a watchdog over the government policies. Moreover, media has become a source of revenue. The print and electronic media together earn around R. s 20 billion every year, essay on electronic media, while the industry as a whole provides employment to overpeople. Today, popular TV anchors discuss, analyze scrutinize government policies. They set the agenda and they form the public opinion, essay on electronic media.

These anchors discuss and debate major political issues in their prime-time broadcast 8 to 10pmwhen most of the people are glued essay on electronic media their TV sets. Therefore, a handful of TV anchors dominate the public policy debate, often promoting sensationalism based on under grounded speculation and unfounded theories. However, some anchors are more balanced and suggestive to government policies. Therefore, media in Pakistan place both a positive and negative role. Whether this role will be more effective and constructive in shaping the nation will depend on the level of majority, essay on electronic media, experience, professionalism and training in the media.

Seeing tremendous boom in the media, a growing number of people are eager to join the media industry. The government has also announce the establishment of a media university to meet the growing demands a professional education and training. With these measures, essay on electronic media, it is hoped that media in Pakistan will have more majority, responsibility and professionalism in near future. Over the years, the Pakistani media has seen many ups and downs in its growth and progress but the media boom in the beginning of the 21st century has presented tremendous opportunities and challenges.

In its very brief life, private electronic media has played an important and effective role in national politics. Essay on electronic media has been bold, proactive, vibrant and penetrative both for the government and public. However, it is still young and lacks professional training, majority and responsibility. Nonetheless, given its potential role, it would be an important source of a positive and constructive social-economic and political change in the country. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing. Email Address. Your email address essay on electronic media not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email, essay on electronic media. Notify me of new posts by email.

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reflective essay conclusion

At the same clip it …. The impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media Today many can say that electronic media TV, satellite is ruling the whole news arena. But the impact of printed news is something different. When we watch TV news, one can easily switch the channel with …. The ancient cave paintings, hieroglyphs, symbols, maps, and drawings are all examples of how human being communicated from time to time. The major forms of media used all around the world today are print media, electronic media. In this article, an attempt has been made …. Electronic media is one of the pillars of our life transformation and development which is making us more ….

Some examples of electronic media can be television, radio, and Internet. Consumerism can be defined as a fact or practice of an increasing consumption of goods. Since the beginning of society has relied on advertising to publicly promote a product or a specific service. Advertising …. What is electronic media? The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public worldwide include radio, sound recordings, television, video recording …. Public company of electronic media Company Company may be defined as a voluntary association of individuals. Electronic Media News. Impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media The impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media Today many can say that electronic media TV, satellite is ruling the whole news arena.

Consumerism Electronic Media News Newspaper. Print Media vs Electronic Media The ancient cave paintings, hieroglyphs, symbols, maps, and drawings are all examples of how human being communicated from time to time. Electronic Media Internet News Newspaper Television. Hire a subject expert to help you with. Electronic Media Essay Examples. The two most popular forms of media today are television and the Internet. Both do excellent jobs in keeping modern society informed and connected to one another. Although these two forms of media have many benefits, they also have many disadvantages as well.

The internet provides an array of information in many subject areas. It has news, research tools, weather forecasts, general information, and so on. Electronic media has also broadened communication opportunities. It is a large network of people exchanging information in quick time. The flow of information has changed at a fast rate. From print media to electronic one will be easier. There are plenty of advantages to using electronic media. Electronic Media…there are certain advantages and disadvantages you should be aware of when using these technologies. They can be fun, useful, entertaining, and educational. At the same time, you need to consider the risks involved with such uses; these include exposure to improper content that is not suitable for young children, about whom most material is aimed.

Read this long descriptive Essay here we have written an essay about electronic media for higher class students. Electronic media cover the various technologies powered by electricity that modern and contemporary artists use in their work. These technologies include digital video and audio recordings, slide presentations, CD-ROMs, online content media, television, radio, telephones, and computers. Electronic media include media that use digital or electronic encryption of information. By its definition, electronic media is all media shared with an audience on an electronic device, whether viewed on static media print or electronic media or broadcast to a wider community.

It includes television, radio, internet, faxes, CDs, DVDs, and online video streaming. Examples of electronic media are things like television, radio, and the wide Internet. There is a wide range of electronic media that are broadcast for a variety of different things, from advertising to promotions. The primary electronic media sources known to the general public are video recordings, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, slideshows, CD-ROMs, and online content. Purpose of using electronic media There are many reasons, and one of them is that you can use electronic media to market yourself, a company, or a product.

Electronic media are a way for your company to be heard, not just heard, but seen. Web producers have become experts in social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Television and radio stations use social media to provide news and radio updates to their followers. This is particularly useful for them because social media offers a free way to advertise during their working day. Over time, technology has advanced and created new forms of ideas and communication. Electronic media play an important role in highlighting societal problems through entertainment, drama and news.

It influences people to develop and change attitudes towards different situations. Electronic media or media are the use of electromechanical devices to access the content. Media can also be described as various means of communication or means of communication that are used to interact and communicate with people. It is not a disadvantage that electronic media play a decisive role in communication. There are many forms of electronic media, including television, radio, videotape, the internet and computers. Our lives have become simpler and more comfortable by entering into communication with the help of electronic media. Millions of messages are sent and received every day providing information and entertainment via radio, television, cable, satellite and streaming.

Electronic media are such a huge part of our daily lives. With the way technology has changed, many people have chosen to spend their time using electronics in their spare time as well. However, there are many negative effects that come with the use of electronic media.

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